Anonymous ID: 39fc2d Aug. 2, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.10165562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

lb >>10164869

What will DOJ find if they review the Boston Marathon Bomber Case?, Because it looks like that could happen.

(jensen upon reviewing MF case proved that FBI/DOJ set him up and MF was innocent, could a review of this case provide a similar result? Could Potus be leveraging DS that if they continue to railroad MF this case is going to get exposed?)


Mueller and DS pulled a FF, frame job, same as they did to potus.

Potus is warning/threatening them.

He wants Barr to review the case and find fuggery as Jensen did with Flynn, but Potus cannot use that predicate for optics.

So Potus is appearing as if he wants the death penalty but he knows it was a FF, and the DS knows also, the DS knows if DOJ reviews case they are fucked, and that is exactly what Potus is asking for, but in a very sly way.

That is where we are now, Potus is expecting a response I am sure.