SAM177 USAF G5 departed Mid-America-St. Louis airport es
PAT009 US Army C-560 departed JBA sw
R1944 US Army C-560 also departed JBA and ne-currently dropping altitude at Utica, NY- Griffiss Int'l Airport
R30726 and R90104 US Army C-560's departed Dobbins ARB, GA sw
VENUS96 USAF C-32A departed JBA for a quick out and back-must be a maintenance flight
SAM177 USAF G5 on final at NAS Norfolk
PAT280 US Army departed Ft. Worth to the ne
R30726 and R90104 US Army C-560's departed Dobbins ARB, GA and now descending in the Lake Charles, LA area
PAT009 US Army C-560 departed JBA sw and descending for Ft. Campbell, TN
R1944 US Army C-560 done with Utica, NY fly by and ne towards Burlington, VT