germany another 4-6 week lockdown on 30/8 : DE mayor warns of 6 week lockdown he was informed of on 6/20
Fed proposes another 6 week lock down :
"The great reset",%20the%20survival%20rate%20for%20everyone%20drops%20to%20zero)
OZ lockdown in Melborne uber strict
As we all know this is not about the virus, but it is simply not about an ELECTION either. This is about total control. The global enemy has played their hands and they won not a single. Now, (((they))) are left with a crumbling economic system based on BS debt that rewards only the richest.
(((They))) have to accelerate their plans in order to implement a new economic system, bc when this one fails the last thing they want are people in the streets. BC with freedom comes the awakening and the awakened will seek reprisal. The push for ANY further lockdowns is not to keep you safe……….its to keep (((them))) safe from YOU