Anonymous ID: 59374d Aug. 3, 2020, 5:26 a.m. No.10168525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8624

Thoughts on Cabal Propeganda & it's Inevitable Backlash


So, lets start with this.


I very rarely watched sports growing up, as a personal reason, mainly my thinking was, I'm not the one playing, and I don't actually know any of these people playing.


However, that did not prevent me from appreciating them for what they were. They were escapes, from daily life, and the modern day coliseum, affording many dreams of grandeur.


Over the decades, I saw all of societies Escapes (sports, tv, movies, books, internet, and video games) slowly decay at the hands of the perpetual creep from SJW idealogies, PC Culture, and now Cancel Culture.


I rarely watch movies any more, as I don't have the stomach for it, or the interest as they have bankrupted their own originality in favor of politics, etc.


These days, I mostly read, or watch youtube where Real people create content.


Now that more people are waking up, I think that perhaps the Cabal have failed to realize, once they exile the average American public from their Escapes, ALL EYES will now be on them, and they will be FURIOUS.


So while I mourn the loss of most of my escapes, I am quietly, and unceasing, laughing to myself in a sort of villains chuckle at their soon to be Demise.