Anyanons here really think Barr/Durham will bring charges against the enemies of America, before the election, OR after?
Bad “optics” before hand, and why waste the effort afterwards?
Anyanons here really think Barr/Durham will bring charges against the enemies of America, before the election, OR after?
Bad “optics” before hand, and why waste the effort afterwards?
I can understand the bad “optics” of simply bombing the ever living shit out of the Enemy Weapons platform that is CNN… but then why not EXPOSE their system to the public without kinetics? Calling them fake news enemy of the public (without some explanation HOW They do it), as they chug along seems a tad weak. Just say’n
The enemies of America are fumbling with matches in the explosive’s locker.
You have friends in flat turd earth Texas, huh?
Like this
Flip a coin, even odds at this point.
America is fucked when POTUS and intel can’t find a way to tell the truth to the public.
QR said misinformation is necessary. POTUS is a cool guy, but he’s not blowing the lid off. “Intelligence” is wholly absent when the entire Nation is being told to suffocate on exhaust.
Dumbfounded there isn’t enough intelligence to stop running at a cliff.