Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.10170589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0663 >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Iran Imposes Sanctions Against Former Aid to John Bolton for 'Economic Terrorism'


Relations between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran have become increasingly strained in recent years, following the 2018 withdrawal by the Trump administration from the 2015 joint agreement pledging a peaceful development of nuclear power.


Iran's Foreign Ministry said in a Sunday statement that it would introduce targeted sanctions on a member of the US-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), as relations between the US and Iran continue to worsen.


Richard Goldberg, a former member of the United States National Security Council, is accused of "economic terrorism" by Tehran.


Citing "Articles 4 and 5 of the Law on Confronting Human Rights Violation and terrorist and adventurist acts of the United States in the region" the statement by Iran announced the sanctions as a means to achieve the "objectives of the aforementioned law in imposing sanctions on American entities engaged in economic terrorism" against the country.


The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) said that the sanctions were a response to Goldberg - who served as an aide to former national security adviser John Bolton - pushing for sanctions against Iran, and helping to end the participation of the US in the 2015 nuclear agreement.


This follows an announcement by the Trump administration that it would expand the sanctions of metals connected to Iran's "nuclear, military or ballistic missile programs".

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.10170609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0625 >>0647 >>0735 >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Peter Schiff: The Dollar Crash Will Take Down The Entire US “House of Cards”


Peter Schiff says the new historic and record-breaking fall in gross domestic product numbers coupled with unemployment and the Federal Reserve’s excessive money creation will cause a dollar collapse. Once that happens, the entire house of cards that is the United States will fall.


Schiff says we should be prepared for the fall of the U.S. by the end of this year. According to a report by RT, Schiff, the ignorance of Americans is still present. People are not waking up, unfortunately. That ignorance is “likely to remain the case until the fall becomes a crash, which I don’t think will begin until the Dollar Index breaks 80,” wrote Schiff in a Tweet. ” At its current rate of decline that level could be breached before year-end, perhaps by election day.”


No one seems worried about the falling dollar. That's likely to remain the case until the fall becomes a crash, which I don't think will begin until the Dollar Index breaks 80. At its current rate of decline that level could be breached before year end, perhaps by election day.


— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) July 31, 2020


Remember, election time could be a gigantic planned disaster too, and Americans look like they’ll fall for that too.


Government Warning: “One Way Or Another, The Economy Is Going To Lockdown Again”


While the dollar continues to fall, gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies are all going up. This is a signal that people are leaving centralized systems for those that are decentralized and not controlled by the ruling class or elitists who think of us as their slaves. According to Schiff, gold will supplant the dollar because the euro and other currencies are not ready to take its place. They are also centralized and in the control of the same people who control the creation of U.S. dollars. “No other currency will take the dollar’s place, real money will take its place, particularly gold, because gold was there before the dollar,” he said, noting that the greenback “did a lousy job, and now gold is taking its spot back.”


Schiff added: “The entire house of cards economy that has been erected over the years, and the Federal Reserve has been the architect of this house of cards economy, is rested on the foundation of the dollar’s reserve currency status. If the dollar loses that status then the foundation crumbles and the whole house of cards topples.


It All Comes Back To The Federal Reserve: The NWO Is Being Shoved Down Our Throats


Robert Kiyosaki’s “magic three” are gold, silver, and Bitcoin. If you have any desire to protect your wealth, hard and decentralized assets are the place to be.


The dollar WILL crash. That’s the goal. There will be a new digital dollar and it will be centralized and controlled by the Federal Reserve banking cartel. It will likely all be tied together with your mandatory vaccine too. The beast system will be rolled out and it may be sooner than we expect.


Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, “Vaccine Records,” & “Payment Systems”

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.10170614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0828 >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Russia Plans For First Mass COVID-19 Vaccinations In October Amid Global Skepticism


Russia's health ministry has announced that it expects to begin mass anti-coronavirus vaccinations by October, with the first rounds to be administered to front line medical workers as well as teachers.


“We plan wider vaccinations for October,” Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said Saturday after he described that Moscow-based state research facility, the Gamaleya Institute, has completed clinical trials of an effective vaccine.


Since the crisis began impacting countries outside of China at the start of this year, the international race has been on to produce a vaccine, which most officials have estimated would likely take 18 months, but it appears Russia — currently the fourth most infected country in the world with 843,900 cases — is pushing to the be first out with a vaccine for its population.


Reuters reports local regulatory approval could be fast-tracked and be completed as early by sometime mid-August.


“Now, the package of documents for the procedure of registration [of the vaccine] is being prepared,” Murashko said Saturday in his statement. But international reports have also noted the ambitious timeline is raising questions:


"Yet the speed at which Russia is moving to roll it out has prompted some Western media to question whether Moscow is putting national prestige before science and safety," Reuters comments.


Its earliest rounds of testing was done on soldiers, Russian officials have said.


In 14 days time…Russia will officially release the world's first covid 19 vaccine…Putin means business…

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.10170633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0699 >>0754

CDC director admits hospitals have monetary 'incentive' to inflate coronavirus death count


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Robert Redfield admitted last week that American hospitals may have monetary incentive to inflate coronavirus death counts.


During a hearing by the House Oversight and Reform Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis on Friday, Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.) asked whether hospitals have "perverse incentive" to inflate COVID-19 fatality numbers.

Shockingly, Redfield admitted that they do.

"I think you're correct in that we've seen this in other disease processes, too," Redfield said.

"Really, in the HIV epidemic, somebody may have a heart attack but also have HIV — the hospital would prefer the [classification] for HIV because there's greater reimbursement," he explained. "So, I do think there's some reality to that."

"When it comes to death reporting, though, ultimately, it's how the physician defines it in the death certificate, and … we review all of those death certificates. So I think, probably it is less operable in the cause of death, although I won't say there are not some cases," he continued. "I do think though [that] when it comes to hospital reimbursement issues or individuals that get discharged, there could be some play in that for sure."

Debate has raged over whether coronavirus deaths are being counted accurately, and various studies have found conflicting conclusions.

More from the Washington Examiner:


A Yale study concluded that the overall coronavirus death toll in the United States is a "substantial undercount" of the actual number; White House coronavirus response team member Dr. Deborah Birx suggested in May that deaths are being overcounted by 25%.


There appear to be cases where the opposite has happened. An investigation in Florida found that several deaths were wrongly attributed to the virus, including the case of a man who died from a gunshot wound to the head.


The CDC's website lists over 3,700 coronavirus deaths characterized as "intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events." In Texas, more than 3,000 people were recently removed from the overall coronavirus count because they were never actually tested but considered "probable" cases.


Still, it may never be possible to get an accurate count of deaths or cases, considering not everyone who contracts the disease is tested.


Indeed, antibody tests continually show that a significant portion of the population has likely contracted COVID-19, yet never knew they had the virus.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.10170641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0683 >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

China eyes suspension of extradition agreement with New Zealand - report


In an escalation of the conflict relating to the situation in Hong Kong, China is reportedly looking at suspending its extradition agreement with New Zealand.


Reuters reports that Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin announced the decision at a daily briefing.


The decision is said to have been made as an act of retaliation, after New Zealand suspended its existing extradition treaty with Hong Kong.


The two countries do not have a specific extradition treaty in place, which means there is no obligation to extradite. However, there is a discretionary process for ad hoc requests.


New Zealand announced the suspension of its extradition treaty with Hong Kong last week, as recent law changes were not consistent with "New Zealand's principles".


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on July 28 that the new national security legislation in Hong Kong does not sit well with New Zealand's principles.


Ardern said those principles are "basic freedom of association and the right to take a political view".


When asked if New Zealand should expect repercussions from China, Ardern last week said the two countries have a "mature" relationship.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.10170665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0767 >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Here’s All the Military Pork Baked Into the Proposed COVID-19 Bill


$30 billion of spending on weapons just in the coronavirus bill


Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, a Republican from Alabama, formally introduced the proposed bill on July 27, 2020. It would need the full Senate to pass it and for the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives to pass their own version before it could even head to President Donald Trump’s desk, where he could then sign it into law.


If it were to become law today, here are the main specific defense-related spending items that would be authorized:


$283,000,000 to the Army for new-build AH-64E Block IIIB attack helicopters.

$375,000,000, to the Army for upgrades for its Double V-Hull (DVH) Stryker 8×8 armored wheeled vehicles.

$1,068,000,000 to the Navy for P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft.

$41,400,000 to the Navy for RGM-184A Naval Strike Missiles (NSM) and launchers specifically for the service’s Littoral Combat Ships (LCS).

$2,210,000,000 to the Navy, $1,450,000,000 for four “expeditionary medical ships” and $260,000,000 for a single Spearhead class Expeditionary Fast Transport.

$49,100,000 to the Navy for sonobuoys.

$686,000,000 to the Air Force for F-35A Joint Strike Fighters.

$720,000,000 to the Air Force for C-130J Hercules airlifters.

$650,000,000 to the Air Force for wing replacement kits for A-10 Warthog ground-attack aircraft.

$76,325,000 to “defense-wide” spending to establish an eighth Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery.

$243,270,000 to “defense-wide” spending for an AN/TPY-2 missile defense radar to go with the eighth THAAD battery.

$40,100,000 to “defense-wide” spending to replace a modified de Havilland DHC-8 intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft belonging to U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) that was destroyed during a terrorist attack in Kenya in January 2020.

$20,000,000 to the Air Force to support the integration of the AGM-158 Joint Air-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) onto variants of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

$65,800,000 to the Missile Defense Agency for hypersonic weapon defense.

$39,200,000 to the Missile Defense Agency for cruise missile defense.

$200,000,000 to the Missile Defense Agency for a Ground-based Mid-course Defense (GMD) Service Life Extension Program (SLEP).

$290,000,000 to the Missile Defense Agency for the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor.

$153,000,000 to the Navy for depot-level ship maintenance work.

$800,000,000 for the “National Guard and Reserve Equipment Account.”

$20,000,000 to the Navy for “United States Marine Corps Force Design unfunded requirements.”

$19,500,000 to the Army for “Force Protection Upgrades.”

$882,068,000 to the Army for general operation and maintenance.

$458,237,000 to the Navy for general operation and maintenance.

$135,542,000 to the Marine Corps for general operation and maintenance.

$969,357,000 to the Air Force for general operation and maintenance.

$112,071,000 for “defense-wide” general operation and maintenance.

$8,000,000 to the Army Reserve for general operation and maintenance.

$30,000,000 to the Army National Guard for general operation and maintenance.

$12,000,000 to the Air National Guard for general operation and maintenance.

$48,500,000, to the Army for “other procurement.”

$34,823,000 to the Navy for “other procurement.”

$484,000 for “defense-wide” “other procurement.”

$5,300,000,000 for Defense Production Act purchases related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

$1,494,000 to the Air Force for research, development, test, and evaluation work.

$20,931,000 for “defense-wide” research, development, test, and evaluation work.

$1,783,500,000 for Defense Working Capital Funds.

$705,000,000 for the Defense Health Program.

$1,128,000,000 to the Army for a “Defense Industrial Base Resiliency Fund-Army.”

$4,664,000,000 to the Navy for a “Defense Industrial Base Resiliency Fund-Navy and Marine Corps.”

$4,273,400,000 to the Air Force for a “Defense Industrial Base Resiliency Fund-Air Force and Space Force.”

$783,100,000 for a “Defense Industrial Base Resiliency Fund-Defense: Special Operations Command and Missile Defense Agency.”

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.10170686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook whistleblower Ryan Hartwig returns to SGT Report to discuss big tech CEO’s testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust on Wednesday July 29, 2020.


Facebook whistleblower Ryan Hartwig returns to SGT Report to discuss big tech CEO’s testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust on Wednesday July 29, 2020.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.10170714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Administration wants $377M for West Wing remodel in virus relief bill


The Trump administration wants $377 million in the next coronavirus relief bill for a long-delayed modernization of the West Wing, but the timetable for construction is yet to be determined.


The sum is included in the draft aid legislation from Senate Republicans and would also cover a new security screening facility for the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in the White House complex.


So far, the West Wing plan has drawn relatively little scrutiny.


The administration says the White House work would “increase the White House campus’s ability to detect, mitigate, and alleviate external security and pandemic threats.”

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.10170732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Egypt invites Elon Musk to see the pyramids for himself after he tweeted they were 'built by aliens obviously'


Elon Musk has been invited to visit the pyramids by a top Egyptian official after the billionaire shared an old conspiracy theory that they were built by extraterrestrials.


The Tesla CEO, who also is founder of SpaceX, gave credit to 'aliens' for building the pyramids in Giza near Cairo in a tweet on Friday.

'Aliens built the pyramids obv,' he wrote.

The bizarre message prompted a response from Egypt's Minister of International Cooperation, Rania al-Mashat.


The ancient ramp was discovered at the site of Hatnub by researchers from the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo and the University of Liverpool in England, Live Science reports.

Along its sides are two staircases lined with postholes, to which ropes were likely tied thousands of years ago to drag the huge stone blocks.

Such a design would have alleviated some of the burden for the workers who had to pull these huge loads.

The conspiracy theory about the pyramids is not the only one which Elon has thrown about.

During a controversial appearance on comedian Joe Rogan's popular podcast, 'The Joe Rogan Experience,' in 2018, where he smoked a joint, he explained why he believes we are living in the Matrix.

He said that the sheer age of the universe - 13.8 billion years, means alien civilizations have had time to develop the complex systems needed.

'If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then games will be indistinguishable from reality, or civilization will end. One of those two things will occur,' Musk said.

'Therefore, we are most likely in a simulation, because we exist.'

'I think most likely — this is just about probability — there are many, many simulations,' he added.

'You might as well call them reality, or you could call them multiverse.'

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.10170763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0860 >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Marine Corps IDs 9 Troops Lost in Tragic AAV Accident


The Marine Corps has identified eight Marines and one sailor who died after their amphibious assault vehicle sank during a July 30 training exercise in the Pacific.


The AAV, which sank after taking on water while training with other assets belonging to the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit in the vicinity of San Clemente Island, had 16 troops aboard in total. One Marine, Lance Cpl. Guillermo Perez, 20, of New Braunfels, Texas, was pronounced dead at the scene, then taken by first responders to Scripps Memorial Hospital in San Diego, officials with I Marine Expeditionary Force said Monday in a news release.


While seven other troops were rescued and two subsequently hospitalized, eight more remained missing. On Sunday, following a massive search-and-rescue effort involving Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps vessels and aircraft, the Marine Corps announced that the troops were presumed dead.


The missing include:


Pfc. Bryan J. Baltierra, 19, of Corona, California

Lance Cpl. Marco A. Barranco, 21, of Montebello, California

Pfc. Evan A. Bath, 19, of Oak Creek, Wisconsin

U.S. Navy Hospitalman Christopher Gnem, 22, of Stockton, California

Pfc. Jack Ryan Ostrovsky, 21, of Bend, Oregon

Cpl. Wesley A. Rodd, 23, of Harris, Texas

Lance Cpl. Chase D. Sweetwood, 19, of Portland, Oregon

Cpl. Cesar A. Villanueva, 21, of Riverside, California


All the Marines, including Perez, were riflemen with Bravo Company, Battalion Landing Team 1/4, assigned to the 15th MEU. Gnem was a hospital corpsman assigned to the same unit.


The injured include a Marine rifleman with Bravo company and a Marine assault amphibious vehicle crewmember with Mechanized Company, BLT 1/4, who were not identified by name, according to the I MEF release. Both were taken to Scripps Memorial Hospital and were initially in critical condition; the AAV crewmember has been upgraded to stable condition.


Recovery efforts are ongoing for the lost troops. The Marine Corps has also suspended all AAV water operations as officials investigate the cause of the deadly mishap.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.10170782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>1072 >>1126 >>1233

Gaddafi’s prophecy comes true as foreign powers battle for Libya’s oil


In August 2011, as Libya’s rebels and Nato jets began an assault on Tripoli, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi delivered a speech calling on his supporters to defend the country from foreign invaders.


“There is a conspiracy to control Libyan oil and to control Libyan land, to colonise Libya once again. This is impossible, impossible. We will fight until the last man and last woman to defend Libya from east to west, north to south,” he said in a message broadcast by a pro-regime television station. Two months later, the dictator was dragged bleeding and confused from a storm drain in his hometown of Sirte, before being killed.


Nine years on, after the outbreak of a second civil war, Gaddafi’s proclamation is not far from the truth – but as the US has retreated from the role it played in his downfall, a constellation of emboldened regional powers has descended on Libya instead. As the battle moves to Sirte, gateway to the country’s oil crescent, a potential showdown over control of Libya’s oil wealth is looming.


Sirte’s fortunes turned after Gaddafi’s death; once a gleaming showcase for his vision for Africa, the villas on eucalyptus-lined avenues that belonged to regime apparatchiks were flattened in the revolution, and the city was terrorised by Islamic State before the jihadists were driven out in 2016.


In violation of an international arms embargo, the city and surrounding desert have been flooded with weapons and fighters in recent weeks as forces loyal to the government in Tripoli mobilise on one side of the frontline, and those fighting for General Khalifa Haftar, appointed by the rival parliament in Tobruk, line up on the other.


At stake is Libya’s greatest treasure: the largest oil reserves in the entire African continent. The majority of the country’s oilfields are in the Sirte basin, worth billions of dollars a year. Haftar’s forces, who are in control of Sirte, imposed a blockade on oil exports in January, causing revenues to plummet as daily production dropped off from around 1 million barrels to just 100,000 barrels a day.


Forced to impose pay cuts for civil servants and currently spending from reserves inherited from the Gaddafi era, Tripoli is desperate to dislodge Haftar’s forces.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.10170806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Joeseph Goebbel’s Nazi Propaganda Gave Birth to Today’s Western Media


Western mass media continues to be atomized in its coverage. It thrives on soundbites. Sensationalism. Cacophony. A malnutrition of context with roots in the Nazi propaganda construct of Joseph Goebbels.


All six children were dressed in pristine, finely pressed white clothes. Their hair was combed and styled. Aged between four and twelve, they had been assembled below by house aides. The stage was now set. Pedigree, ideological sacred cows, convictions as indefensible as the Oder River had set it. With or without cause, all final preparations were complete.


Pleas by women and staff to usher the young ones free from harm’s way were ignored. Time was running thin. No such ideas, however, would be entertained by their much sought after father, Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. With allied forces lagging behind on the western front, the Red Army invasion, stocked to the brim with Katyushas, Ilyushin II fighter jets, tanks, and hardened infantry bulldozed their way into the heart of Berlin from the east. Childhood nor innocence would escape the treacherous affairs that had unwittingly led Helga Susanne, Hildegard Traudel, Helmut Christian, Holdine Kathrin, Hedwig Johanna, and Heidrun Elisabeth to the Reich Chancellery bunker in April 1945. Above ground, the ill-prepared Volkssturm, boys and seniors anywhere between 16 and 60, give or take a few years, were fulfilling duties mandated by the Führer. Fuming amid fresh heaps of rubble, Berlin, as ordered by high-ranking officials now engaged in orgies and sordid acts inside the Chancellery, was to be defended against all odds and at all costs. Just then, Rochus Misch, the bunker’s telephonist, recalled that the six beautiful children simply “went away.”


How that cocktail of morphine and cyanide was fed to Goebbels’ kids remains shrouded in speculation. Bruises were found on 12-years-old Helga’s face. Braveheart was she, daddy’s girl resisting to swallow the ampule’s content before it was forcibly smashed between her teeth? Still, whether it was shortly before or after the kids went away, Goebbels took to the Chancellery garden and did likewise. Prior to the final act, he ordered his guards to show patience, wait until he lay lifeless and, for added posterity, hit his body with a volley of rounds and incinerate the remains. As good S.S. soldiers do, they complied. So did the bulk of French, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Flemish and other Wehrmacht foreigners who upheld their oath to the Nazi state to the end. Like a house of cards, their creationist myth of racial superiority and exceptionalism was now crumbling before their eyes and drenching in their Aryan blood.


The Soviet advance was as relentless as it was implacable. “It took a brave man to be a coward in the Red Army,” Joseph Stalin was quoted. Indeed. If the siege of Leningrad was not enough to keep soldiers on the battlefield, then deserters were met by the firing squad. With victory waiting in the wing, credit would also be paid to the hundreds of Soviet female snipers who had fought on the frontline. Awarded the Medal of Courage in 1944, Roza Shanina disposed of 59 Nazi combatants before she, at just 20 years of age, was killed in battle. Partisans across Europe also risked life and limb while engaging in sabotage and assassinations deep behind enemy lines. In Denmark, 23-year-old Bent Faurschou Hviid (codename Flammen) and concierge and music stage manager Jørgen Haagen Schmith (codename Citronen) formed an assassination duo, eliminating Nazi officials and collaborators, one by one, across Copenhagen. Killed, yet undefeated, the Danes honored the freedom fighters when their coffins stood in unison inside the historic Holmen Church.



Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.10170827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Trump criticizes Birx over Pelosi, COVID-19 remarks: 'Pathetic'



President Trump on Monday publicly criticized Deborah Birx, the doctor who is coordinating the White House’s coronavirus response, suggesting she was hurting him after she bluntly acknowledged that the pandemic is widespread across the United States.


Trump targeted Birx over a weekend response to criticism from Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who questioned Birx’s credibility in responding to the pandemic. He appeared to call Birx’s response to Pelosi’s criticism “pathetic.”


“So Crazy Nancy Pelosi said horrible things about Dr. Deborah Birx, going after her because she was too positive on the very good job we are doing on combatting the China Virus, including Vaccines & Therapeutics,” Trump tweeted. “In order to counter Nancy, Deborah took the bait & hit us. Pathetic!”


The tweet marks the latest instance of Trump undercutting one of his administration’s top health officials in the middle of a pandemic, but it is the first time he has publicly criticized Birx.


The tweet was even more jarring given White House officials had just spent the weekend praising Birx and defending her in the wake of Pelosi’s sniping.


Politico reported last week that Pelosi criticized Birx during a closed-door meeting on stimulus negotiations with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Asked Sunday about that criticism during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi made clear that she lacked confidence in Birx.


“I think the president is spending — spreading disinformation about the virus and she is his — she is his appointee,” Pelosi said. “So I don't have confidence there, no.”


Birx, a retired Army colonel, was appointed by President Obama to serve as the State Department’s global AIDS coordinator. She was tapped by Vice President Pence to serve as the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force in late February and has been working out of the White House since.


“I have tremendous respect for the Speaker. And I have tremendous respect for her long dedication to the American people,” Birx said Sunday on CNN when asked about Pelosi’s comments, defending her data-driven approach to the pandemic.


Birx also delivered a sober warning of the current threat posed by the coronavirus, saying the United States had entered a “new phase” in its battle against the virus and calling it “extraordinarily widespread.”


“What we are seeing today is different from March and April. It is extraordinarily widespread … it’s more widespread and it’s both rural and urban,” Birx said on CNN.


“To everybody who lives in a rural area, you are not immune or protected from this virus,” Birx continued. “And that is why we keep saying, no matter where you live in America, you need to wear a mask and socially distance, do the personal hygiene pieces.”

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.10170842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

Unsealed court docs suggest Mueller and Comey had piles of evidence on Epstein and did nothing


Newly released “Epstein court docs” have given us a treasure trove of damning and revealing information on the convicted sex offender and sex trafficker, and his rich and powerful friends.


For starters, we now know that Bill Clinton was on Epstein’s island. Two eyewitnesses place him there with two “young girls.”


But maybe even more disturbing is the revelation that former FBI directors Robert Mueller and James Comey had “evidence” on Epstein, yet they did nothing about it.


I will share a couple of tweets from One America News Network (OANN) reporter Jack Posobiec.


Posobiec slams Comey for his hypocrisy about “loyalty” and “saving justice,” sharing a clip from the unsealed documents that retrospects to 2014, during which Comey’s FBI was in direct contact with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s minor victim, yet he did absolutely NOTHING.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.10170855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1206

From Lockdowns To “The Great Reset”


The lockdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the implementation of long-held plans to establish a so-called new world order. Under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF), global policymakers are advocating for a “Great Reset” with the intent of creating a global technocracy. It is not by coincidence that on October 18, 2019, in New York City the WEF participated in “Event 201” at the “high-level” pandemic exercise organized by the John Hopkins Center for Health Security.


This coming technocracy involves close cooperation between the heads of the digital industry and of governments. With programs such as guaranteed minimum income and healthcare for all, the new kind of governance combines strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice.


The truth, however, is that this new world order of digital tyranny comes with a comprehensive social credit system. The People’s Republic of China is the pioneer of this method of surveillance and control of individuals, corporations, and sociopolitical entities.


For the individual, one’s identity is reduced to an app or chip that registers almost any personal activity. In order to gain a few individual rights, and be it only to travel to a certain place, a person must balance such apparent privileges with his submission to a web of regulations that define in detail what is “good behavior” and deemed as beneficial to humankind and the environment. For example, during a pandemic, this sort of control would extend from the obligation of wearing a mask and practicing social distancing to having specific vaccinations in order to apply for a job or to travel.


It is, in short, a type of social engineering which is the opposite of a spontaneous order or of development. Like the mechanical engineer with a machine, the social engineer—or technocrat—treats society as an object. Different from the brutal suppressions by the totalitarianism of earlier times, the modern social engineer will try to make the social machine work on its own according to the design. For this purpose, the social engineer must apply the laws of society the way the mechanical engineer follows the laws of nature. Behavioral theory has reached a stage of knowledge that makes the dreams of social engineering possible. The machinations of social engineering operate not through brute force, but subtly by nudge.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.10170870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yair Netanyahu: My father is amused by the ‘aliens’ protesting against him


PM’s son clarifies he was referring to costumed demonstrators; organizers of rallies say that to the Netanyahus ‘we are not even human’


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is amused and even emboldened by the protests against him, his son said Monday, branding the demonstrators “aliens,” before backtracking.


In an interview with Galey Israel, Yair Netanyahu said he shows his father “select clips” from the anti-Netanyahu demonstrations, which have been held several times a week across the country and outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem.


Thousands of Israelis have come out to demonstrate against the prime minister this summer, calling on him to resign over corruption allegations and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.


“I try not to show him too-crass things from the protests, because in the end it is unpleasant, but you know, it entertains him, the truth is that it even gives him some strength,” the younger Netanyahu said.


He differentiated between his father and the late Likud leader Menachem Begin, who stepped down amid mass protests over his handling of the 1982 Lebanon War.


“My father’s a strong man. It makes him laugh,” Netanyahu said. “He sees what we all see — these aliens at the protests. It makes him laugh, like entertainment.”


He later added on Twitter: “When I spoke about ‘aliens,’ at the left-wing protests in Jerusalem, I meant those who are dressed up as aliens and UFOs, those who strip, those who dress up as genitals, those who brandish crude signs, those who put a spaghetti pot on their heads and those dressed up as Spider-Man. There are too many of these, and it’s funny.


“The rest is really not funny — the incitement and the explicit calls for murder that are intensifying each day and breaking records in terms of the ceaseless encouragement of the media.”

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.10170889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>1126 >>1233

UPenn Can’t Explain Mystery Donation From Chinese Company


Public records suggest that the Nice Famous Corporation, which funneled $3 million to the Ivy League school, is closely tied to the Chinese government


The University of Pennsylvania pocketed a $3 million donation last year from a mysterious Hong Kong shell company that is owned by a Shanghai businessman with deep ties to Chinese government officials.


The donation from Xu Xeuqing, who has no apparent connection to the University of Pennsylvania and was previously embroiled in a Shanghai public corruption scandal, raises questions about the true source of the money. Documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show Xeuqing has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.


China has poured money into American universities in recent years, in part to buy influence on campuses, experts say. The donation comes as federal prosecutors have increased scrutiny on the Chinese government’s influence-buying and espionage operations at American universities.


"Unequivocally they’re using the money they’re providing the universities to garner influence there," said Ben Freeman, the director of the Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative at the Center for International Policy. "It’s not the sole motive, but it’s one of a variety of motives."


Foreign money has poured into the school over the past few years with a significant portion coming from China. The Ivy League school received $61 million in gifts and contracts from China between March 2017 and the end of 2019; over the previous four year period, it took in just $19 million from Chinese donors.


The University of Pennsylvania received the $3 million in question from a Hong Kong-based company called "Nice Famous Corporation Limited," according to financial disclosures. And while a spokesman for the university, Stephen McCarthy, initially told the Washington Free Beacon that the money came from a Chinese national named Xin Zhou whose firm is "a large client" of the university's business school, a review of Chinese public records by the Free Beacon could not establish a connection between Zhou and the Nice Famous Corporation.


McCarthy did not respond to a request for further comment about why the university attributed the donation to Zhou.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.10170922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>1099 >>1113 >>1126 >>1135 >>1148 >>1233 >>1245

Teachers Unions Across US To Protest Tomorrow, Demands Include Removing Police, Banning New Charter Schools


Ten teachers unions, the Democratic Socialists of America, and other groups are organizing a National Day of Resistance to protest for demands including no reopening of schools, police-free schools, and a “massive infusion” of federal funds while banning new charter schools.


Over 20 cities across the United States are scheduled to have protests tomorrow, including Chicago, Dallas, New York City, and Los Angeles. Prominent teachers unions are supporting the “actions” including the Chicago Teachers Union and United Teachers Los Angeles.


A coalition of 10 teachers unions and the Democratic Socialists of America is demanding:


• Ban new charter schools

• Ban private school choice

• Ban standardized tests

• Police-free schools

• More federal funding


They are holding a "National Day of Resistance" tomorrow.

— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) August 2, 2020


The protests are being formed to stop the reopening of schools until the ambiguous demand of “no reopening until the scientific data supports it” is met.


The list of other demands include: “Police-free schools”, “Moratorium on new charter or voucher programs and standardized testing,” and a “Massive infusion of federal money to support the reopening funded by taxing billionaires and Wall Street.”


Teachers unions from the following locations are included:






Los Angeles


Little Rock


St. Paul

— Corey A. DeAngelis (@DeAngelisCorey) August 2, 2020


The slogan of the events appears to be “We want safe schools, healthy schools, equitable schools.”


If you live in one of the many cities on the group’s list, prepare for large demonstrations from socialists, teachers unions, and progressive groups — until their large and ambiguous demands are met.


Don't force schools to reopen

Don't force teachers to return to schools


But don't force families to pay for closed schools either.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.10170928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Flynn unmaskings, U.S. intel won't answer whether agencies spy on Congress


ODNI recently refused to answer if U.S. spy agencies monitor lawmakers, saying any admission could reveal methods.


The dramatic disclosure earlier this year that the Obama administration sought to unmask ex-National Security Adviser Mike Flynn's conversations intercepted overseas is reviving a long-unanswered question: Do U.S. spy agencies also monitor members of Congress?


That question has lingered at least since May 2017, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) demanded to know whether his conversations overseas while running for president in 2016 were umasked by the Obama administration.


I have formally requested from the WH and the Intel Committees info on whether I was surveilled by Obama admin and or the Intel community!— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) May 5, 2017


Now, the question has been renewed by the Project for Privacy and Surveillance Accountability (PPSA), a non-profit where former House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) works as a senior adviser.


The group in February filed a Freedom of Information Act request demanding that the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) release information related to whether U.S. intelligence has been surveilling past and current U.S. senators and House members.


Specifically, the group asked ODNI whether the spy agencies it supervises unmasked the identities of current and past lawmakers known to have been caught up in foreign surveillance, and whether the names of these members were searched through what is known as the "upstream" phone database. The request covered a bipartisan group of 48 current and former lawmakers and their potential surveillance from Jan. 1, 2008 to Jan. 15, 2020.


ODNI's response only added to the intrigue: The agency summarily denied the FOIA with what is known as a "Glomar response," saying confirming or denying such surveillance "could reveal sources and methods information."


PPSA is fighting the denial, and has found new ammunition in Flynn's case. That's because now-departed Acting DNI Ric Grenell earlier this year released a list of three dozen Obama-era officials who unmasked conversations of Flynn between the transition that started in November 2016 and President Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.


After Grenell released the records, he sent a letter to Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-Va.) saying releasing such unmasking requests posed no national security risks.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.10170955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1159

The Pentagon’s New UFO Disclosures: 75 Years of MK Ultra Psy Ops


In my last few articles, I found myself writing on the theme of the emerging new system and the battle between two paradigms (multipolar vs unipolar).


Within that theme, the important issue of psy ops, false solutions and epistemological warfare which are a part of everyone’s’ daily life (whether they know it or not) arose as well. Recent events and announcements have caused me to tackle another aspect of psychological warfare in the modern age.


UFOs and You


What would you do if the American and British governments both revealed that their secret UFO programs would declassify material from each nations’ respective National Archives?


What if you found out that leading politicians like former House Majority speaker Harry Reid had allocated $22 millions of tax payer dollars to UFO research and that Obama’s former chief counsellor (and rampant pedophile) John Podesta has openly called for UFO disclosure on several public occasions since 2002 or that Hillary Clinton herself called for UFO disclosure during her presidential campaign pledges of 2015?


Would you believe these claims or would you remain skeptical? How would you decide what to do?


With the July 23 public statement from the Pentagon that “off world vehicles not made on this earth” have been kept secret for decades, this question has become extremely important.


Major opinion-shapers like Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and even Russia Today have promoted the cause of alien disclosure for the past few years and with the most recent Pentagon announcement, fascination in little grey men has spread like wildfire.


Who’s Playing this Game?


For the past several decades, government-sponsored UFO research has largely been driven by the work of private subcontractors like Bigelow Aerospace which was founded by billionaire real estate speculator Robert Bigelow. Having recently joined the “new space movement” (ie: an anti-nation state trojan horse designed to promote privatized money driven model of space funding) alongside other billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Sir Richard Branson, Bigelow allocated large swaths of his fortunes to the creation of organizations like the National Institute for Discovery Science which have always worked in a private capacity with governments and academia. One of Bigelow’s biggest tools was Sen. Harry Reid who not only received generous campaign funds from the billionaire between 1998-2009 but also allocated tens of millions in national defense funds to his company starting in 2007.


In 2014, the creative force driving the “UFO-disclosure cause” has taken the form of a weird organization called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science run by high level intelligence operatives and using a cardboard cut-out Tom Delonge (former lead singer of the punk band Blink 182). To the Stars has poured millions of dollars into cultural/educational and lobbying projects driven by books, movies, film and documentaries in the cause of “elevating global consciousness” in preparation for a new age of UFO disclosure.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.10170959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PM Benjamin Netanyahu adds third new lawyer to trial team


Lawyer Boaz Ben Tzur is another senior litigator with experience in white collar crime defense, and joins veteran lawyer Yossi Segev, and younger lawyer, but rising star, Amit Hadad.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday added a third new lawyer to his legal team to defend against bribery, fraud and breach of trust charges before the Jerusalem District Court.

Lawyer Boaz Ben Tzur is another senior litigator with experience in white collar crime defense, and joins veteran lawyer Yossi Segev, and younger lawyer, but rising star, Amit Hadad.

Segev just joined the team last month after Micha Fettman resigned along with a line of other lawyers who previously quit the team over payment issues.


Hadad is the only lawyer who has been with Netanyahu from the outset of the case and before.

Ben Tzur may have problems with remaining on the legal team as he previously represented both Arnon Milchin and Hadas Klein, with Milchin being a key fact witness in case 1000, the Illegal Gifts Affair and Klein being a key prosecution witness who accused Netanyahu of corruption.


Generally, a lawyer cannot represent two conflicting parties.


There is speculation that if he only works on Cases 2000 and 4000, that Ben Tzur might be able to remain part of the team.


The Justice Ministry would not comment on whether it will seek to disqualify Ben Tzur due to the potential conflict of interest.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10170972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republicans Pressured President Trump To Allow Microsoft-TikTok Talks To Begin


Congressional Republicans and White House staffers reportedly pushed Trump to allow talks between Microsoft and ByteDance to begin.

Trump allies hope deal with help win some young voters ahead of the November 2020 elections

Microsoft has 45 days to complete the deal, which company said it would try to have completed by Sept. 15


Amid ongoing criticism and bans in various parts of the world over Chinese ownership, Microsoft said it was in talks to buy the social media video app TikTok in the U.S. from its parent company ByteDance. President Trump okayed the negotiations following reported pressure from within the Republican Party after saying Friday he planned to ban the app in the U.S.


Microsoft has to move fast on the potential purchase after Trump agreed to give the company a 45-day window to buy the social media company before the U.S. government pursues a potential ban. Trump reportedly agreed to the window in response to pressure from some White House staffers and Congressional Republicans who warned banning TikTok could further alienate young voters ahead of the November elections.


Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., spoke about Trump’s decision on Twitter, calling it a “win-win in the making.”


The deadline for a deal is Sept. 15 and the potential agreement’s progress will be overseen by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. If the sale goes through, it would resolve the tensions surrounding TikTok after President Trump saying he would work to ban the popular app in the U.S.


“Following a conversation between Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and President Donald J. Trump, Microsoft is prepared to continue discussions to explore a purchase of TikTok in the United States,” Microsoft said in a press release Sunday.


“Microsoft fully appreciates the importance of addressing the president’s concerns. It is committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury.”

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.10170993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1126 >>1233

China Begins Mass COVID-19 Testing in Hong Kong, Raising Fears of DNA Surveillance


Biomedical Company Leading Testing Was Blacklisted By US For Xinjiang Human Rights Abuses


Beijing is now directly intervening in Hong Kong’s management of COVID-19 in what many Hong Kong residents fear is an attempt to exert control over the city in the guise of support.


This past week, China announced its plan to send a 60-person team into Hong Kong to conduct widespread COVID-19 testing through nucleic acid tests.


On Sunday, seven medical workers sent from China checked into Hong Kong’s infamous Metropark Hotel—the same hotel where a 2003 SARS super-spreading event occurred involving a Chinese doctor’s one-night stay there.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.10171003   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Latest Targets Of DHS Surveillance Are Journalists Who Published Leaked Documents


Is there anything the DHS can't turn into a debacle while pretending to secure the homeland? It would appear it's impossible for America's least essential security agency to move forward without stepping in something.


As protests in Portland neared the 60-day mark, the DHS was tasked with protecting federal property like courthouses and… um… statues. ICE, CBP, Federal Protective Services, and US Marshals all arrived in Portland ready to go to war with people exercising their First Amendment rights. You only have one chance to make a first impression, and the unidentified officers from unknown agencies throwing protesters into unmarked vehicles was one hell of a first impression.


The federal agencies went to war, firing tear gas and projectiles at protesters, rioters, journalists, and legal observers. It made no difference to the DHS which was which. But it did make a difference to a federal judge, who issued a temporary restraining order forbidding federal officers from attacking, gassing, assaulting, or arresting journalists and observers who were just trying to do their jobs.


The federal officers immediately violated the restraining order. Or, more accurately, they never stopped doing the stuff that earned them the restraining order in the first place. Apparently, the DHS feels it hasn't violated First Amendment rights hard enough. The latest black eye for the DHS is more targeting of journalists, this time with surveillance.


The Department of Homeland Security has compiled “intelligence reports” about the work of American journalists covering protests in Portland, Ore., in what current and former officials called an alarming use of a government system meant to share information about suspected terrorists and violent actors.


Over the past week, the department’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis has disseminated three Open Source Intelligence Reports to federal law enforcement agencies and others, summarizing tweets written by two journalists — a reporter for the New York Times and the editor in chief of the blog Lawfare — and noting they had published leaked, unclassified documents about DHS operations in Portland. The intelligence reports, obtained by The Washington Post, include written descriptions and images of the tweets and the number of times they had been liked or retweeted by others.


Ironically, one of the leaks involved discussions of other leaks. An internal memo leaked to Benjamin Wittes, who runs the Lawfare blog, complains about earlier leaks.


Internal memo from DHS I&A complaining about leaks to @lawfareblog and @shaneharris (neither by name) and insisting intel activity in Portland is all legal and appropriate. Withholding name of author for privacy reasons.


— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) July 25, 2020


Here's an excerpt from the leaked memo about leaked memos.


[T]he ongoing leaks related to our work in Portland remain of great to concern as it distracts from our mission and creates opportunities for others to exploit this information for their own benefit. This is wrong and we must make every effort to protect our information and prevent our work from being manipulated in any way.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.10171016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1126 >>1233

Illinois lawmaker proposes ban on history classes: They ‘lead to a racist society’


A black Democratic state representative from Illinois wants to ban the teaching of history in the state because it “leads to white privilege and a racist society.”


As reported by NBC Chicago, Rep. LaShawn Ford gave out a news release before a Sunday gathering of politicians and educators which asked the Illinois Board of Education and school districts to “immediately remove history curriculum and books that ‘unfairly communicate’ history ‘until a suitable alternative is developed.'”


In place of history, Ford suggests more focus on civics and “ensuring students understand democratic processes.”


Ford also is sponsoring a bill which would mandate elementary schools teach about the civil rights movement.


From Ford’s news release:

“When it comes to teaching history in Illinois, we need to end the miseducation of Illinoisans,” Ford said. “I’m calling on the Illinois State Board of Education and local school districts to take immediate action by removing current history books and curriculum practices that unfairly communicate our history. Until a suitable alternative is developed, we should instead devote greater attention toward civics and ensuring students understand our democratic processes and how they can be involved. I’m also alarmed that people continue to display symbols of hate, such as the recent display of the Confederate flag in Evanston.” …


“The miseducation of our children must stop,” said Meleika Gardner of We Will. “It is urgent that it comes to an end as we witness our current climate become more hostile. Miseducation has fed and continues to feed systemic racism for generations. If Black History continues to be devalued and taught incorrectly, then it will call for further action.”


Evanston Mayor Steve Hagerty notes “As Mayor, I am not comfortable speaking on education, curriculum, and whether history lessons should be suspended. This is not my area. Personally, I support House Bill 4954 because I am interested in learning more and believe the history of Black people should be taught to all children and include all groups, Women, LatinX, and Native Indians who helped to build America.”


According to his legislative bio, Ford is a former history teacher in the Chicago Public Schools. Since first being elected to the state legislature in 2006 he’s never faced a re-election opponent. In 2019 he ran for Chicago mayor garnering a little over one percent of the vote.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.10171040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our Global Enemies Taking Advantage of the Absence of an Agreement to Reboot World Economy


The Zionists are having a field day in the absence of an agreement to reboot the world economy. They are stoking a war between China and the U.S., promoting their pandemic and vaccine scam, and causing trouble all over the world. If we are going to defeat them once and for all, we need to realize that we are dealing with an enemy who works according to long term plans, some going back hundreds of years.


The latest example of this is the ongoing Covid-19 and vaccine scam. British MI6 intelligence now says:


“The Covid-19 thing was traced back to a document at the World Bank dated 1976. It is a form of Eugenics involving the UN and its organs.”


If you look at the world map of so-called Covid-19 cases at the link below, you will notice it is essentially a disease affecting monotheist controlled countries (including secret colonies India and Japan). Africa is mostly avoiding the whole scam as is most of East Asia. So, if it is Eugenics, as MI6 claims, the target appears to be mainly people of European descent.


The P3 Freemasons are saying the Covid-19 campaign is only going to intensify until an agreement is reached to set up a “World Republic.” Certainly, the P3 lodge involvement is easier to spot in Japan and Korea where all positive test results are being traced to either Christian (P3) sects or Khazarian Mafia hedge funds.


That is why it is disturbing that pharmacidical companies are being granted legal immunity in the case their “vaccines” cause harm. “This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in … four years the vaccine is showing side effects,” said Ruud Dobber, a top exec at AstraZeneca.


Furthermore, the statistically impossible prevalence of Covid-19 among politicians, celebrities, etc. is a sign the elite are being told to play-act coronavirus in order to keep the sheeple scared. There is also, of course, the aspect of the White Hats using coronavirus as an excuse for a big purge of Satanists, but that is only part of the story.


The other big theme being pushed by the Zionists is an escalating conflict between the U.S. and China. The U.S. State Department propaganda machine is pushing a doctored document known as “The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian,” which claims to contain secret Chinese plans to invade the U.S., kill women and children and use biological warfare.

Anonymous ID: 71d97e Aug. 3, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.10171069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1098

Wayne Root: Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?


I recently watched a documentary about how the US government finally took down the mob (aka the mafia). For decades the US government failed miserably. Why? Because they could only catch low level “soldiers” in the act of a crime, but never the mob boss, (aka The Don).


But something changed in the late 1980’s. The government applied the RICO Act to the mafia. They proved the mob acted as a “family.” And when the head of the family gave an order, he was as guilty as the “soldier” who carried it out. This allowed the government to destroy the mafia.


Suddenly a lightbulb went off. I realized this is exactly how to indict, convict and send former President Barack Obama to prison. RICO. Against the head of a crime family.


I believe Obama is the biggest criminal in the history of the United States. RICO is how we get Don Obama. He was the head of a family, just like the mafia. Call it the Obama Crime Family.


Attorney General Barr and Prosecutor Durham are playing in the minor leagues. They are going after the “soldiers” of the Obama criminal family. But they should be targeting the head of the snake: Obama. He gave all the orders. He oversaw and coordinated all the crime, extortion, theft, fraud, lies. And of course, the biggest crime of all- spying. Some might call that treason.


It was all Obama. Just like in New York in the 1980’s, it was all Paul Castellano and John Gotti. The only difference is, the crimes and audacity of Obama make the Gambinos look like boy scouts. Trust me, the mafia has nothing on Obama.


Let’s compare the crimes of Obama vs the Gambinos.


Don Obama targeted, hunted, demonized, intimidated, and punished his best customers (business owners and high-income taxpayers). Obama’s weapons of choice were the highest taxes and the most regulations in US history. Even the mafia treats their best customers better than this!


Unfortunately, we can’t indict Obama over that.


But Obama’s IRS crimes are a different story. Obama had his own personal government-sanctioned hit squad. Obama’s IRS thugs went after Tea Partiers, conservatives, and groups that believed in the U.S. Constitution. Even the mafia had more respect for the Constitution than Obama’s government gang.