Other than speculation, prove it.
Given its service record prior to 2001, which included hurricanes and explosions, I'd say the steel in the WTC complex wasn't compromised.
Bombs or other weapons will destroy steel boasting great mechanical properties.
Sauce or quit your garbage opinions.
That's an oxy-acetylene torch cut, moron.
Mine is 35 years in steel construction. I know people who were there and cut those columns after the collapse in order to prevent more people from being killed by falling debris.
Q's steel comments referred to Kobe of Japan. The WTC steel was all domestic. The integrity of the steel itself has never been questioned.
Provide some sources or cut your sliding bullshit.
Am I denying that it wasn't a controlled demo?
All I'm saying is that the steel itself was not the problem.
For fuck's sake. READ!
I'm not denying a controlled demo, fuckface.
I'm saying that the steel itself was not compromised. It did what it was supposed to do.
Are you fucking retarded?
If a steel is rated at 50ksi, that doesn't mean it is not indestructible. It will yield at forces greater than 50ksi. Bombs, thermite, lasers, or whatever weapons systems you want to insert, can exceed that yield. For fucks sake, the steel ITSELF was not compromised at the mill or during construction. It was DESTROYED by forces exceeding its design.
For fucks sake, get a fucking clue.
Compromised steel is that which doesn't meet industry standards, AS DELIVERED.
Those buildings were erected close to design. Neither the steel nor the design were at fault for the collapse.
Go back to Rense.
You just gave yourself away.
Any steel can break.
Any steel can be cut.
You've been found out, shill.
Still waiting for your sauce that the steel was compromised.
AFAIK, the design, materials and construction were all sound.
If the steel was compromised, what was inherently wrong with it?
That's my question.
Mock away.