there wont be a usa left if we dont fight
the satanists will eat everyone
unite Anons unite
fight fight fight
shields are down on twitter
shields are down
plow the road !!!!
there wont be a usa left if we dont fight
the satanists will eat everyone
unite Anons unite
fight fight fight
shields are down on twitter
shields are down
plow the road !!!!
. AMERICAN SPIRIT meme it meme it meme it
demand senators and congressman resign !!!!!
they are not defending the Constitution
shields are down on the twits
shields are down on the twits
good vs evil
take no prisoners they will eat you they are satanists !!!!
demand congressman and senators resign!! open borders?
plow the road
gates foundation
top lawyer former president of ABA
on Asia Foundation
with your find think Life Extension!!!
This is what these lawyers with red shoes
talk about !!! Drink blood type stuff.
Asia overpopulated. FB brain implants person dies another is taken in organ haravesting.
ChopQing frozen food like solyent green?
Life extension sound better then drinking blood from a five yr old.
might be more then 1 meaning of ChopQing?
Demand Cuomo resigns !!!
meme it meme it
shields are down !!!
Adam schiffy is walking around
meme it place every senator congressman and governor in the kill box
demand they resign meme it meme it
twitter shields are down
dhields are down
shields down shields down !!!!
meme it meme it
The satanists will eat us all !!!!
Take no prisoners Get the truth out !!!!
Demand senator pedo congressman resign
schiftty is still at the standard !!!!
The truth will set your brothers and sisters free!!!
freeeeeeeeeeeeedom !!!!
shields are down
shields are down
meme meme meme meme me
Patriots unite !!!!!
who has the power
who has the power
PAtriots unite Demand in meme that Congress senators and govs resign!!!
meme anyone from hollywood demand then to resign and retire!!!
Give congress and Senate 401ks not pensionsโฆโฆ.Demand it it in meme form
5:5 is coming our brothers and sisters need to be prepared for the videoโฆโฆ these people are EVIL!!!
Patriots Unite!!!
They want to divide you
Q said fake crap will be posted forget surround them with the mem attack from the PAtriots !!!!
The wave is coming !!!!
meme attack is coming
shields are down sir
Its that Pepe!!!
Division is not working
Patriots have a strong KEK!!!!
They do not want to be eaten for life extension