Want MAJOR, MAJOR PLAYERS if this is true. Don't want to hear anything about some way lower tier fuck who did some kinda process bullshit. Hussein, Biden (both), Rice, Power, Rhodes, Clinton (both) Brennan, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Weissman, Stzrok, Page, Ohr, (both) Simpson and that is just for starters. Media fucks, Scarborough and his cunt wife Mika, Cooper, Hayes, Madcow Maddow, Stephadikolous, Zucker, Faggot ass Chris Cuomo, all the reporters this fabricated info was leaked to and spread around like horse shit. Every single one of the above motherfucking, treasonous, subversive traitors should be charged under 18 U.S.C. Chapter 115 Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities. Transported to Gitmo and held until their Military Tribunal starts.
These people and there are probably 75 to 100 more, perhaps many, many more need to be taught a very simple, basic lesson. Serious actions have serious consequences. Prosecute these people for TREASON. Upon conviction. Death by Hanging. THAT will put a dead stop to all of this psychotic behavior and will be a stark lesson for those who are inclined to use the power of government to subvert and execute a coup d' etat on a duly elected President of the United States of America.