==The known and unknown
The seen and unseen==
==The known and unknown
The seen and unseen==
==The known and unknown
The seen and unseen==
==The known and unknown
The seen and unseen==
The prime MUST be to learn what is not known. Therefore, not knowing what you don't know is prime.
Learn what the questions are is first and foremost. Then find the answers.
This presumes that you are questing, and not just content where you "are"/
Are you, Bickle, a quester?
Let me ask you this; Who are YOU yolked to, and who is yolked to YOU?
Who exists from the sweat of your brow, and by whose sweat is your life sustained?
What are the value propositions in both directions?
Look around and tell me of what YOUR support structure entails?
How prepared are YOU for what is to come?
from where does YOUR knowledge come from?
What if this education process…this intelligence…is already inside you! And the "educational process" is nothing but unlocking the secrets within.
To whom does the responsibility lie to unleash this infinite potential?
Is it I that is evil for not teaching you to do what you are already equipped to do?
This logic is perplexing, except for the fact it is entirely consistent with the nature of your problem.
why the wars happened, and who asked for the financing are the REAL questions.
What breakdown in logic and social fabric made two groups see themselves as opposing, and further that the opposition could best be decided by murder.
Did your bible not admonish not to kill another?
The ten commandments are very simple, no?
because all is connected to (//YOU\)
It appears the "yoke" is on me.
Try this one:
yoke (yk)
a. A crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together.
b. pl. yoke or yokes A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke.
c. A bar used with a double harness to connect the collar of each horse to the pole of a wagon or coach.
A frame designed to be carried across a person's shoulders with equal loads suspended from each end.
Nautical A crossbar on a ship's rudder to which the steering cables are connected.
A clamp or vise that holds a machine part in place or controls its movement or that holds two such parts together.
A piece of a garment that is closely fitted, either around the neck and shoulders or at the hips, and from which an unfitted or gathered part of the garment is hung.
Something that connects or joins together; a bond or tie.
Electronics A series of two or more magnetic recording heads fastened securely together for playing or recording on more than one track simultaneously.
a. Any of various emblems of subjugation, such as a structure made of two upright spears with a third laid across them, under which conquered enemies of ancient Rome were forced to march in subjection.
b. The condition of being subjugated by or as if by a conqueror; subjugation or bondage: 14th-century Russia under the Tartar yoke; the yoke of drug addiction.
The amazing thing is that when something resonates, it resonates…can't be forced or faked…it just is. You will know it clearly when you experience it.
You may have heard the expression "When the student is ready, the teacher will come". Similarly, when the path is prepared for mental acceptance of truth, there will be little resistance encountered.
The truth continues to lap at the shores of your mind. Much like the ocean's unrelenting tides, lies eventually are turned into sand, then powder, then nothingness.
Believe it or not, we are ALL on the same side. You just lack the capacity to understand…presently, anyway.
Anons think we could use some decompartmentalization
Duality is one of the "beautiful lies".
Consider that darkness and light are ONE.
Good and Evil are ONE.
We (or I should say YOU) fight yourselves!
Can you not see that??
WHILE you fight YOURSELVES, others pick your pockets.
Who is the greater fool?
WHO is truly at fault? YOU for fighting yourself, or others, who rob you while you struggle?
That is why you are viewed as foolish children.
You will have a place at the table when you have proven yourselves worthy.
And don't think you are not being WATCHED and EVALUATED
Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?
Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.
It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.
In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had…except in the case of environmental or selective mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all of our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more biological precision than any other characteristic. It could be argued from scientific scrutiny that modern man and rhesus monkey have had a common ancestor sometime in the "past". All other earthly primates share this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of planetary travelers?
All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.
Why does "science" (ie, the little peoples science)fail to explain how Rh negative is possible? Those familiar with blood factors, admit that Rh - humans must at minimum, be a mutation (if not descendants) of a different ancestor. If a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was within their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.
The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental jewish people of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin jewish also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people.
Could the Basque people be one of these colonies? Or could it have been the original colony on earth? The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly of the creator.
Genesis 6:2 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives, all of which they chose." Who were the children of these marriages? Genesis 6:4 "God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty of old." From the King James Bible dictionary we find: "menchildren - men of Israel, male children of God, not children of man - Ex. 34:23." Ex. 34:7 states "The iniquity of the father will be unto the children unto the fourth generation." It is plain that something is inherited, could it be the blood?
Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in the Bible, except God. These two words you will find on almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the Gods?) This message has been written for thousands of years. There is a connection between the blood and the Gods.
The American Indians had the tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought they were worthy. Could this tradition have been for a reason? Could they have actually been checking to see if they were blood brothers (the same type blood)? The clumping (aggulation) that occurs when Rh positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. Could they have been told, by their ancestors, that their blood was different from that of the rest of mankind except for their brothers and sisters, from other tribes, scattered throughout the earth. Indian tradition declares that their ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem pole is actually a family genealogy.
Why all this preoccupation with genealogy among different people scattered throughout the earth? No other animal on earth has this preoccupation with ancestry. Where did this tradition come from? People scattered throughout the earth, who have had no-known contact with each other all simultaneously have the urge to chart their family tree? Why? How important could this have been to primitive cave men? Struggling to survive, to chart their genealogy? They had no understanding of modern genetics and inheritance. So why should they preserve their genealogy? Were they told to preserve their heritage, until a future date when they would return and it would be understood? Until a time, like now, when their descendent would be able to understand the message they were leaving.
Although they probably didn't realize the importance of preserving their genealogy, they may have believed that future generations would understand. Are we that future generation? Was there a message left for us to understand? Do we have the courage to look for the answer?
Do we really want to know or would we rather keep our heads buried in the sand? What we don't know will still affect us. You will not see unless you look. Only through knowledge will we find truth.
Rh negative blood has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events.
For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true "missing link" actually be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars - hybrid man. Is man the missing link between primate and extraterrestrial?
Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found that the infant buried with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An examination of Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying.
Dear Bickle! Start to consider the possibility that you, the Rh positive primate that you are…have only just begun your evolutionary journey. Consider that you are evolving as fast as your little helix can regenerate!
The "others" who you so misunderstand have engaged you to our mutual benefit and survival!
YOU find a wolf stuck in a fence
and you think to yourself "ohh I wanna help that poor wolf"
what happens when you approach the wolf?
does it give you a friendly greeting?
so, what do you do when you REALLY want to SAVE DAT WOLF?
You are probably familiar with the Genome project!
The "public" sequencing was for human consumption, but as with all things military, what is known is not relevant…it is what "you don't know you don't know".
THIS is where the magic lies! And it is already a fait accompli!!
THE BIBLE CODE was, of course, an elaborate hoax…but created much buzz some years back. Now imagine if all of human history were encoded in the DNA helix and could be accessed in its completeness! Wouldn't THAT be interesting!
Now consider that all human history, both "past" and "future" were so encoded! Wouldn't you like to have a drop of THAT precious blood…and the necessary decoding "software"? Would you trade a few gold tokens for a roadmap of human history and HUMAN FUTURE?
laughing, laughing, laughing!! out loud!!!
And, DEAR BICKLE!! Should you be so blessed to carry this information!! Would you SHARE this information with those who are clearly not evolved enough to handle it? Imagine what mischief could be carried out by these little rhesis monkeys armed with the knowledge of the "gods"!
I'm sure YOU, dear Bickle, would be oh so careful and only use this knowledge for GOOD, not EVIL…oh, ok, perhaps you would have a little taste of the good things in "life"…perhaps a few would die…but hey…YOU are BICKLE…you deserve such things!
and so on.
The truth is the truth, crazymama. Take it or leave it!
Really, what more does one need to know…and then to start ACTING accordingly
So whats the coolest shit a 1337 haxx0r can find out with feceID type tech in consumer hardware?
Coolest fireworks youve ever seen
If a child is developmentally retarded in some way, does the parent do the child a service pretending it is some other way? Or does the parent teach what it can within the limits of that child's understanding?
Forked tongue? And after I specifically asked those posting to suspend that childish superstition!
So, is AJ is their best clown?
Deprogramming is common…the norm. Why do you think so much is invested in the "education" system and media "programming". Those who are evolving faster are ostracized by their own…held back… instead of being "groomed" to become the teachers and leaders of "their people". Who among you have not seen THIS dynamic at work…perhaps in your own lives!
Children, even Rh+, have great powers of perception and much latent "power". Some are able to "activate" and represent the evolutionary force at work. HOW they activate, and to what end, is cause for great and continuing speculation.
The evolutionary process is "known", but also a wildcard. Bloodlines are genetic "purifications" at work and span centuries. As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".
This is why control is so very necessary.
are you trying to steal my fukken keks
"the bearer"?
I will advise you as follows:
You will develop the greatest football team in history if it is your destiny to do so, with or without external financial support. Realize also that any support you receive from those who do not share your vision is "external" and will come at a great price. That price will leave your dreams in ruin, for that is the nature of things.
If you have passion, and that passion is great, others with similar passion will take up your cause. And you will prevail.
Be forewarned, however, that ultimately your passion will destroy you and your dreams.
Dream rather that your progeny will have the type of team you desire and begin to lay the foundation for them!
This applies to everything, not just football!
Man vs. machine
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4 employees?
I`ll have to read it sometimes