Anonymous ID: 06d27f Aug. 3, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.10174579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4966

>>10172772 (PB Notable)

Highest Ranking Catholic Anons (especially), please watch!

Please watch these two videos by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Even non-catholics will have their mind blown at the end of the second video. The first starts with Vigano's background with the Vatican Bank and the exposure of moral corruption in The Church and provides the background information for a deeper understanding of the second video. (Vigano is the Archbishop who sent letter to Trump about deep state in The Church) The second video explains why this is such a big deal!!! IT IS REALLY GODFATHER III AND REALLY BIBLICAL!!!

Godfather III (Plot)

"Michael knows that the head of the Vatican Bank, Archbishop Gilday, has accumulated a massive deficit and offers $600 million in exchange for shares in Internazionale Immobiliare,[3] an international real estate company, which would make him its largest single shareholder with six seats on the company's 13-member board. He makes a tender offer to buy the Vatican's 25% share in the company, which will give him controlling interest. Immobiliare's board quickly approves the offer, pending ratification by the pope."


Dr. Taylor Marshall Video 1: Why did Pope Benedict Resign? McCarrick, Vigano and Vatican Bank Scandals Explained in Detail

Dr. Taylor Marshall Video 2: Is Pope Benedict XVI Still Pope (but Francis Bishop of Rome?) Mazza Thesis Revisited

Please read. You will not be sorry!

GOD WINS! Anons, the reference to the Superman movie at the end of the second video is epic...this is the BEST MOVIE EVER!

Side note: Vigano picked up the term The Invisible Enemy from Melania, then Trump started using it.