How'd you end up interested in reading that 20 yrs ago, anon? I don't know about you, but I find that a lot of useless truther info I learned years ago is now going mainstream. Quite a mindfuck. Too bad so many are now dead and don't get to see the fruits of their labor finally growing legs.
Nothing is going to stop REAL Trump voters, bc we are well aware of what happens if he loses. If people think face masks are bad, wait till they have to be chipped. POTUS can't fully come out and blast this bullshit until after the election.
There was a movie about this.
I love lectures from black billionaires about how unfair life is.
Sometimes your brain wants to explode from being surrounded by so many zombies who have no clue theyre being completely manipulated, lied to, stolen from, and controlled. Happy Sheep are our worst enemies.
Oh I understood. And it's exactly why I'll never apologize for what shade of melanin I have.
The spam email and texts from Parscale and Ronna are annoying AF. I still donate, but think these tactics are PATHETIC and LAZY. No joke, I could run a better fundraising OP. Is this seriously the "best we've got" wrt campaign fundraising and GOTV?????
All FIRST WORLD countries are KNOWINGLY committing homicide.
IDK how he can still sit-down after the firehose.