Cinchona Bark
anon demands sauce…
Eventually it became clear that cinchona bark could be used not only to treat malaria, but also to prevent it. The bark—and its active ingredient, quinine powder—was a powerful medicine. But it was also a powerful new weapon in the European quest to conquer and rule distant lands.
Quinine powder quickly became critical to the health of the empire. By the 1840s British citizens and soldiers in India were using 700 tons of cinchona bark annually for their protective doses of quinine. Quinine powder kept the troops alive, allowed officials to survive in low-lying and wet regions of India, and ultimately permitted a stable (though surprisingly small) British population to prosper in Britain’s tropical colonies. Quinine was so bitter, though, that British officials stationed in India and other tropical posts took to mixing the powder with soda and sugar. “Tonic water,” of a sort, was born.
GOod thing no one told the British about this near-impossible extraction process because if they did they wouldn't have just put the powdered bark into a drink… in 1820… without a complex extraction process… because it is not required for it to be purified to 100% isolation to function unless you have to get it past the FDA… I don't have to get a 100% pure product past the FDA. I can just put the powdered bark in a drink.
Weed people use that equipment all the time to make various concentrates if you want to get all fancy.
Well… I guess I will have an empire that the sun never sets on and no malaria or covid… and simply won't have to worry about all that. I figure I will do what they did. I bet I get the same affect.
Things that never happened for 500 Alex…
Too bad it hasn't worked for 300 years before the fancy extraction method came about… Sure is a shame everyone was wasting their time. … Oh wait, IT WORKED!
Its not like the HCQ method is available either and the bark will release Quinine not chloroquinine. The latter is the man made version, but I'm not a chemist.
How did it work before the extraction process came about? Serious question… HOW. DID. IT. WORK. FOR. HUNDREDS. OF. YEARS?