Anonymous ID: d4c907 Aug. 3, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.10174988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4996 >>5003


The powder.


Cinchona/Quina - the answer to hydroxychloroquine bans

I went out and found this stuff. Here is how it went.

Last night I saw a post to a popular forum that stated Cinchona was what Quinine was derived from. Quinine is the root component of hydroxychloroquine. Back in 1935, it was well known that quinine prevented malaria, so attempts to make it synthetically were successfully carried out, with the result being hydroxychloroquine. Quinine is the natural version, hydroxychloroquine is the synthetic version. Both are considered equal, but the synthetic version is more popular because it is cheaper and easier.


Or should I say, "should" be cheaper, now that it is known the next generation of designer viruses can be killed by hydroxychloroquine unscrupulous types are charging 10X or higher markups. The usual $2 for a pack of pills now costs whatever price they put on it, (I paid $25 for mine).


So I set out to find Cinchona today, to find out how it is priced relative to how hydroxychloroquine is now priced, and perhaps buy some. I found it, and bought some. There is a lot I learned, even if you have this stuff you probably ought to read this.

I found it labeled as "Quina" bark, was not sure that was Cinchona but it said it was anti-malarial so I figured "Quina" ment Quinone and bought a 250 gram sample. Good move, it was the right stuff. In Mex, it's called "Quina".


Prior to going out looking for this stuff, I made sure it was available in powdered form. And it is. This is important because I saw many people were simply boiling the big bark pieces and that's no way to get any benefit out of it and seeing it in powder form made it clear it was OK to grind it down like that. When I got back I put it in the blender and blended it down to "cappuchino", perhaps more, it was such a fine powder that the dust in the blender never settled out, I ended up simply pouring it into the bag with a dust waterfall coming out of the pitcher.


When it is that fine, it is obvious a little will go a very long way. I got every last bit of it out of the blender I possibly could, and then took a coffee cup full of water and rinsed the rest out with that, and poured it back into the coffee cup. I then microwaved it for 3 minutes and poured it through a coffee filter. The tiny amount left in the blender made a FILTERED brew that looked like this:

see picture

Dosing: I was cruising through this, figuring I'd drink it all because it was like a really good tea. I was wrong. I felt the physiological effects in my kidneys only a few ounces into it and knew I dosed it good, this stuff is not tea!

I figured I'd guage how much was the right amount by how it felt in my system and figured "there's no way the gram or so left in the blender could possiby be too much" and I appear to have been wrong (so far) which is really good news. No one wants any sort of survival item that runs out lickety split, and from what it looks like, when prepared as I prepared it, this small 250 gram bag that cost a little less than $2 would probably last a whole year if taken daily. I was only about 3 ounces into the brew made from residual dust when I clearly had enough despite enjoying sipping away at it, surprised at how good it tasted. It smells really nice too.


The only bad thing I have to report is that I threw ALL OF IT into the blender so I can't get a picture of how it should look like if you manage to buy it. Not to worry, tomorrow we are going to the main mercado to see if we can get it cheaper. I'll have another sample tomorrow, even if I have to go back to the first place to get it.


I have something very curious on this topic to show, get a load of this!!!

Want proof this Cinchona bark is something the NWO fears?

That report, by Reuters, has them stating that quinine is not the same as hydroxychloroquine. The reason they give is because one is synthetic and one is natural. They even state that hydroxychloroquine was made as a synthetic version of the natural stuff, and then after stating that, claim alt media is lying when they claim it is the same because the man made version is synthetic.


That's the same as lying. THEY LIED THEIR BUTTS OFF. Because anyone with an IQ above 73 ought to be able to figure out that the natural version is probably better than the synthetic version, and that both do the same job. Any idiot ought to be able to figure out that when alt media says they are "the same" that it is a reference to function, not form!


jim stone