Is he now? Is this what you came here for? You are pathetic, they have tried even worse things on him….give me another link or piece of sauce if true??? POS shill…
Oh a nevertrumper I see, ok well welcome you POS…have fun reading what you don't have the balls to admit yourself….
When you do this, when you slyly come here and mention Barr like this, it only proves he is on our side…so keep giving us clues…THIS IS FUN!!!
They why the fuck are you here, go join the other side, go riot and risk your life among the idiots who think they are oppressed, they have no fucking idea how free they are, you go … O V E R T H E R E……in other words Fuck off…
The swamp is a very large wonderland….you really want to have this battle…..both sides are corrupt but I can see who is who…can you???
OMG its so much more than that…lol
I see they are now desperate to revive the narrative…..stupid people they are…