Recycled yet again. Shills are out of ammo
Is one new one too much to ask? New people showing up to check things out and all you have is stale and lame.
Nope, saw that one before. Lame and stale. Out of ammo confirmed
Did I miss something or did they wait a whole month before doing the Nibiru stuff again?
Recycled completely. Shills are out of ammo
What historical event?
Look at 'em go!
What an incredibly weak try.
You having equipment troubles? The others have changed IDs already
Keep going, I love watching you thrash around powerless
Why would the Royal Australian Air Force be anywhere near Roswell, New Mexico.
They went royal freak out somewhere between Breads #12985 and #12992. I seent it! They lost it and tried duplicate breads and just all over everything. Murder hornets with green hair and triple chins. Soi bois with full tackle boxes stuck in their faces.
Do you think they've put all their shills to death or just marooned them somewhere?
Jerry, that's not how you cosplay a klingon
Second on Notable
New NV Law Allows Democrats to Enter Nursing Homes, Vote for Dementia Patients without Their Signature
Not notable, not even the first time it was posted
So that was what the shill from much earlier was referring to. Rumors and wishful leftie thinking.
Fine, I wish to start the following:
1) Nancy Pelosi has an inoperable brain tumor.
2) DiFi's hubby has been banging his translator for years but she just found out.
Three letters: LSD
Well Hello Mister Fancypants
Seems I snore off key and thus need practice. Good night anons!