Like Aliens wouldnt have their own bugs. They probably have their own versions of Jews and Niggers so they will cut us some slack because they know how hard it is working with and around those fucks.
Emma Watson used to be so hot until I found out she had to take Weinsteins egg shaped penis all the way to the back of her throat. Then she had to pop his back pimples for him.
I cant get those images out of my head. Emma is lost to me. Worse than Uma Thurmonds feet. Uma has horrible feet if you ever watch Pulp Fictio n. She has the most un sexy feet. Bunions big ass misshaped big toes.
We are going in the first wave….just means more bugs for us to kill.
Can I give you some advice? Never pass up a good thing.
Prison planet…like Australia or the State of Georgia was. They dump them off dont give them any high tech to get off the planet and just film them for their own reality television. If one or two get good rating they might bring them back up for a tour of their morning talk shows.
Parents on vacation and dont have good supervision of the 14 year old son?
Is this wrong? I personally think the parents should be happy the kid did not kill himself during his days of abandonment.
Did you forget? I was the quarterback!
I astrally traveled last year once. Yes you can hear the universe. It will communicate with you.
It got real wild and I was kind of manic and could not sleep for three or four days in a row.
It got so powerful I got a little out there. I had to push it down it was too much.
But I know its real and I know I was once connected to it very strongly. Its like drinking water out of a fire hose.
Yes fractal…I know. I know on one level I am still just as connected. But I have intentionally pushed this understanding down. I could not handle it. It was awesome but I dont think I was ready.
I freaked out my family.
Yes very similar to mine. So strong I felt I was getting downloads. I had visions of the creation of the universe coming from vibrations. That the one mind came from the struggle between nothing and something. Starting as a small imperfection between nothing and something and it created a polar wave pattern. Vibrating more each time God just brought itself into being. Everything in the Universe came from the original mind.
I saw lots of other things. I began to tell my wife.
She thought I was going nuts. But I was totally settled.
But to avoid constant conflict and questions of my mental state I began to push these thoughts out.
I could see patterns with minor things in life being similar with other things. Patterns were everywhere.