Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters issued “social justice” and “black liberation” demands regarding “diversity” to a restaurant owner in Louisville, KY, including a directive for “donations” to organizations run by non-whites.
Listed demands from a BLM affiliate in Louisville include racial quotas for staff and ownership of business suppliers, donations to organizations run by non-whites, and adjustment to dress codes. The posters used the acronym “BIPOC” (“black or indigenous persons of color”) as a euphemism for non-white persons:
23% of Staff is BIPOC in Front of House
23% of inventory is from BIPOC retailer(s)
Regular donations to BIPOC organization
Dress code policy does not discriminate against BIPOC patrons of employees.
Additional demands issued via the letter included the option to give 1.5 percent of revenues to a local “black nonprofit or organization” in lieu of purchasing a minimum of 23 percent of the business’s inventory from “black retailers,” mandated “diversity and inclusion training” for all employees, and displaying of left-wing messaging to support “reparations.”
The posters include a stated commitment to be publicly visible as a public service announcement pending future “inspections” of restaurants and other businesses.
Three varieties of posters with the message, “YOU CAN’T STOP THE REVOLUTION,” were directed at restaurants in Louisville’s NuLu neighborhood with the grades A, C, and F according to a “NuLu Social Justice Health and Wellness Code.”
“Repercussions of non-compliance” are listed in the letter:
Reduction in Racial Index Score/bias report to the Better Business Bureau.
Social Media Blast: Notification, via all social media platforms, of non-compliance.
Boycott: Public boycott, coordinated through social media and mail announcements, of yours NuLu establishment AND any other business ventures owned by you.
Protest: Visible, media-covered demonstration/sit-in outside your establishment.
Invasive Reclamation: Placement of booths/tables outside your establishment where competing Black proprietors will offer items comparable to those offered by you.