Anonymous ID: a260d3 Aug. 3, 2020, 9:16 p.m. No.10175926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10175705 (lb)

>The problem is, anons haven't evolved enough to handle the real, the big truths yet.

Dude-bro, you know where you're at?

One, "evolution" as you were taught in school, is fake and gay and propaganda used to bring about the current state of destruction of our very civilization via infiltration that you are witnessing right in the now-now. So, don't get me fucking started.


Second. Learn the Saturn decodes and celestial framework that have floated around this board for several years now.


Third. Are you really trying to push the fake and gay "history" channel [narrative] that aliens were the "gods", and they created us to be genetic slave-race, so slave-moar, slave-bro, cause alieyums are cool-bro-slave-bro? Cause, no....

Anonymous ID: a260d3 Aug. 3, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.10175984   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Q, what's up with homeboy's eyes? Looks kinda fishy in this pic. Kinda evil.


<Trump has EYES, dude!

<OBVIOUSLY, that means he's EVIL, bro

<Why else would he have EYES?

<Just fucking LOOK at 'em!

<They're EYES

<Like. OMFG!!!

<I think I just confirmed Trump must be the antichrist even though I think Christians are all stupid Trump supporters and everything they said was fake and gay, but like I totally get it now because Trump has fucking EYES and that means he's evil AF!!!

Anonymous ID: a260d3 Aug. 3, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.10176145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Just thinking out loud

You're not alone with those thoughts.

It was one of the few sighs of relief I got out of this



>Mask up Anons and vote Trump 2020 AT THE POLL. We defeat mail in voting with MASKS.

Okay, I been anti-mask most of the way, but your post caused me to consider something I never thought of really.

A lot of the people working polls are typically elderly, thus at greater risk for chickity-china-the-chinese-virus.

They could be easing the tension at the polls with intent to infect the usual poll-workers.

Also, they mentioned how moar staff was to be employed during this election cycle. Some of these people might be new-comers, and whether [paid operatives] or blissfully ignorant useful idiots, they may or may not be preparing to be the replacement crew come fall for the Main Event.

Fuck, I hope I'm wrong, but I do see the angles

Anonymous ID: a260d3 Aug. 3, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.10176248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Aliens do exist

>And they come from dirty snowball comets

The irony here is that aliens do exist all throughout the universe, however the dirty snowball theory is totally fake and gay and stupid.

Comets are electrical. Technically, everything's Electrical. Including your DNA. Which is why it comes in double helix structure form, as this is a predictable design that shows rather clearly the Nature of the Force that gave rise to the structure.


I'm not even going to criticize the rest of your post, because at this point it'd be mean, and I mean you no harm. Just question the bull shit before you shovel it in and gobble it up, next time. You'll save yourself the need to later try to break through psychological barriers, which your ego was forced to put in place to preserve itself while trying to save clown face in clown world…