Anonymous ID: f7a97a Aug. 3, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.10176049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10174445, >>10174703 Kodak Stock Update


My take on this news:


  1. The a trump curse is real they dont even have to oppose a Trump, they just need to oppose America’s interest

  2. In my mind there are 3 reasons you are mentioned by the President with such respect and acclaim:

A. You deserve it and your company has show patriotism that is real

B. The company had at one time displayed patriotism and the leaders of the company were greedy money grubbers, NWO types and drove their company into the ground, all the while, awarding the leaders ginormous bonuses To management for no success and underserved praise.

  1. The inherent expertise of the company is valuable to our country and they can right their ship, but they will have to get rid of the clowns that siphoned off all money and and expertise away from the company and the Presidebt will give the one them one last chance to return to formers glory, as an American company


In my estimation and It’s only intuitive thoughts, buy Kodak at the lowest price possible and watch it sale up. $14.94 today but $60high at the 52 week high. This company is being cleaned out and they’ve got a new contract and they must achieve and produce the needs of America, and other senior executives will go, but it won’t effect the government mandate they have. They have been given one more chance to straighten up and fly straight as an American company or the take the final fall!


If it goes below $12.00 I’m buying it, or even lower. The whole company knows what the government knows and they can’t fuck it up if they want to survive.


I love our President

Anonymous ID: f7a97a Aug. 3, 2020, 10:34 p.m. No.10176519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10173766 Minneapolis Fed chief pushing for 'hard' nationwide shutdown lasting 4 to 6 weeks


I hate this guy and his lie already. He’s saying Americans sacrifice even Moré, if your family is poor and destitute that they need their unemplyment, and have been waiting for their worthless states are already 3 months behind releasing unemployment and hes promising the government can afford another lockdown. not when blue states syphon off umpemplpynet giving unemployment to faux Nigerisns princes etc fraud schemes, stealing the majority of Ppp dollars (hint Nigerisn fraud schemes=democrats leaders, families and donors getting the unemployment money);, or the states that have a build up more than a million unemployed beneficiaries, waiting three months for their state to get their act together and stop sending billions to China for defective and unacceptable phony facemasks that never arrive but never get around to unemployment claims. Hint states the are behind, hire the unemployed yo process claims to speed things up.


Sure this fed says drain America dry because we can afford it but citizens have lived, their states are not competent and honest to make unemployment immediate. So regardless whatever I government can afford, it never gets to the masses who need it most. BTW we can’t afford more debt, but you’re the fed so why should you care.


Listen here, fuck you asshole Fed man, you have no idea how many 1000s or 100000s of people this lockdown has killed for reasons not relayed to a virus. Some stop stop given any advice or admonishments to anyone, you are so elitist you don’t even understand what a citizen looks like.


I suggest you go in lockdown in a federal penitentiary with killers and murderers and do your part and then perhaps we’ll do our part. But guess what, it’s not my responsibility to take care of society, I’m only admonished to take care of me and my own. So stop lecturing Americans how they can stop the spread, it’s all bull shit and you deserve much worse than I think you deserve. And finally STFu and never speak a word of civic duty To anyone including those that are on their deathbed or will commit suicide from a lockdown.; because everything you say proves you hate humans abs only want to manipulate them fir your evil purposes.


I hope Trump removes you tomorrow,for your assasine and ridiculous plead for citizens to Sacrifice more. ==Sell the millions you have in assets and hand them out to the needy that can’t get there fucking state to administer unemployment payments for 3 plus months, and then sell

All your hidden assets and help all needy citizens. Make a sacrifice Dude Thats real==