Interesting point of view from this guy on youtube. He is claiming American can file a form 95 claim against a federal agency for damages incurred during the China virus.
This got me thinking.. There has been a lot of pain and suffering including death of loved ones during this China Virus. Essentially many if not all Americans have a claim to file against China for damages. If you think about it this is someones fault and someone should pay and we should be able to take them court and sue them.
Trump calls it the China Virus. China has plenty of our money anyway including 1/2 our residential housing stock pricing us out of our own homes.
I lost a dog due to the virus because I could not get in to see the vet soon enough and I have put off seeing a dentist even though I lost a couple crowns. My mothers health has deteriorated due to the virus and financially many if not most of us are hurt financially.
Maybe Trump is saving TikTok from being liquidated when China will have to liquidate all their American assets to pay off American's claims for spreading the virus. Maybe that's why Trump is always reminding us it is the China Virus.