Anonymous ID: 6f74ce Aug. 4, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.10184291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4298 >>4307 >>4315


The reaason there are so many videos is becasue there had already been a smaller explosion and fire with a white cloud of smoke rising into the sky before the bigger explosion. This why birds were disturbed and flying around. Many anons have stated these birds were missiles or bombs dropped. So yeah, everyone with a cell phone was filming when the big one happened. What we need to do is dig for radiation data and radiation burns/sickness. Then we can put this to bed. Because I guarantee there is no way they will be able to hide it, if it was a mini/dirty nuke. If it was indeed a radiation event, then we can probably thank Killary and the whole U-1 debacle.