Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.10183626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3693 >>3918 >>4125 >>4267

W.H.O. Casts Doubt on Coronavirus Originating in Wuhan, China


A senior World Health Organization (W.H.O.) expert on Monday declared that the novel coronavirus did not necessarily jump from animals into humans in Wuhan, China, where health officials detected the first clusters of the highly contagious and lethal disease.


The remarks by Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the Health Emergencies Program at the China-influenced United Nations agency, came in response to a reporter asking about a two-person W.H.O. team who recently traveled to China to probe the origins of the Chinese coronavirus.


On Monday, Ryan briefed reporters alongside W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.


Tedros announced that the duo who visited China had “concluded their mission to lay the groundwork” for a more extensive “international team” to identify the virus’s origins.


“The team is actually not back yet, and we obviously haven’t had the chance to debrief them,” Dr. Ryan explained.


Asked about the mission, Ryan said in responding:


There are gaps in the epidemiological landscape and what is required is going to be a much more extensive retrospective epidemiological study to look at those first cases and clusters in Wuhan and to fully understand the links between those cases so that we can then determine at what point in Wuhan or elsewhere was the animal-human species barrier breached.


“Again, one must remember that there was a specific surveillance system in place in Wuhan for picking up clusters of atypical pneumonia,” he also said.


“The fact that that fire alarm was triggered doesn’t necessarily mean that is where the disease crossed from animals into humans,” Ryan added.


State-run media outlets in China swiftly seized on Ryan’s comments to cast doubt on the true origin of the virus.


According to health officials, the virus may have originated in Wuhan wet markets, where animals known to transmit coronaviruses are crammed together in putrid conditions and sold for public consumption.


The Chinese city is also home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where researchers are known to carry out studies on bat coronaviruses.


In early January, China closed the wet market believed to be the source of the virus and disinfected with bleach, destroying all microbial evidence at the site, according to a dossier prepared by concerned Western governments, including the U.S., that surfaced in May.


Echoing the intelligence report, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in April accused Beijing of destroying Chinese coronavirus samples collected early, making it far more difficult to trace the virus’s origin.

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 5:32 p.m. No.10183727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3756 >>3918 >>4125 >>4267

Why Georgia Could Be Blowing the Lockdown Meme Out of the Water


Georgia was one of the last states to cave to a statewide lockdown. It was also one of the first to start reopening. Republican Gov. Brian Kemp resisted calls to mandate a statewide closure, leaving it to local governments. When reopening was an option after guidelines were published, Kemp ensured that all Georgians would be allowed to participate in the reopening and prohibited local governments from implementing more restrictive guidelines than he did at the state level.


The media freaked out on both ends of the lockdown. They browbeat Kemp until he issued the stay-at-home order. Then they were predicting doom and gloom upon reopening. They paraded vice presidential hopefuls Stacey Abrams and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms all over cable news to slam Kemp’s handling of the pandemic. Here is Bottoms with one of the dumbest men on television:

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.10183775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3918 >>4125 >>4267

Live Updates MI, KS, MO, AZ, WA Election Results


Five states (Michigan, Kansas, Missouri, Arizona, and Washington) hold primary elections on Tuesday evening. In Kansas, Kris Kobach will try to win the Republican Senate nomination against Rep. Roger Marshall. Squad member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) faces a primary challenge in Michigan while Cori Bush, who is backed by the Justice Democrats, is trying to unseat Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO). Voters in Missouri will also vote to expand Medicaid while Sheriff Joe Arpaio will attempt to make a comeback in Arizona.


Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates.


All times Eastern.



8:25 PM: MO:


Lincoln County, Missouri has counted 15 of its 17 precincts. (And there may still be a lot of mail-in ballots.)


It's quite a small county, but this is interesting.


Trump got 76% of the vote here.

The YES to expanding Medicaid is getting 52% for now.


— Taniel (@Taniel) August 5, 2020


8:10 PM: KS:


The watch party for Kris Kobach is underway. We have team coverage from several watch party locations tonight on @KCTV5 News at 10PM.


— Emily Rittman KCTV5 (@EmilyRittman) August 4, 2020


8:05 PM: MI: Tlaib will address supporters on Facebook Live tonight.


For those following the Tlaib-Jones primary tonight in Michigan, @RashidaTlaib plans to address the election results and supporters at 9:45 p.m. on Facebook Live. Polls close at 8 p.m.


Election Night in the age of COVID-19.


— Luke Broadwater☀️ (@lukebroadwater) August 4, 2020


8 PM: Polls closed in Michigan, Kansas, and Missouri.


Establishment Republicans in Kansas have been insisting that if Kobach wins the nomination, Democrat Barbara Bollier could win the Senate seat.


In Missouri, Clay is defending a seat that has been in his family for 50 years. The Justice Democrats have been smart in the types of candidates they have backed against Congressional Black Caucus members.


How does the "these activists are targeting the CBC" argument survive? Since 2018 Justice Democrats has replaced three white Dems with non-white Dems (AOC, Pressley, Bowman). Its challengers to CBC members are, in every case, also black.


— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) August 3, 2020


Tlaib tells voters that her name is not on the ballot in Michigan. She is defending her seat in a rematch against Brenda Jones, the Detroit City Council president whom she narrowly defeated two years ago. Jones had been elected to serve the end of former Rep. John Conyers’ term.


Rep. Rashida Tlaib: "This is what people want right now — they want real change and they want it now."


— The Hill (@thehill) August 3, 2020

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.10183791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3796 >>3807 >>3918 >>4125 >>4267

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: I’m Laying Off 22,000 City Workers if the Feds Don’t Give Us a Bailout


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer he will lay off 22,000 city workers if the Feds don’t give him a bailout.


Wolf Blitzer asked de Blasio if he is failing because crime has spiked in New York City.


The Communist Mayor, who defanged and defunded the NYPD blamed Covid for the increase in crime.


Then he said he’s very worried about the stimulus talks in DC and warned he will have to lay off 22,000 city employees from every department by October 1st if he doesn’t get a federal bailout.

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.10183827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3839 >>3900 >>3918 >>4017 >>4125 >>4267

Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind" After Briefed By Generals


Lebanon's health ministry has raised the death toll to over 73 killed, including 3,700 wounded, after late afternoon a blast centered on Beirut's port unleashed a massive seismic shock and explosion that leveled an entire district of the city and was felt as far away as Cyprus in the Mediterranean.


Later in the evening Lebanon's Prime Minister announced that the explosions were caused by an estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 6 years in a warehouse. This came on the heels of a formal Israeli denial that it had anything to do with it, which also seemed be echoed by Hezbollah officials.


With the official consensus growing that the massive explosion was horrible accident due to neglect, President Trump's words on the tragedy once again presented that it could be something more. He said early in the evening that after meeting with top military commanders: "They seem to think it was an attack. It was a bomb of some kind."


This after speculation and conspiracy theories were rampant throughout the day. After all it is Lebanon, which has witnessed decades of bombings, war, and covert intrigue, also as it borders Israel, war-torn Syria, as well as a corner of the Golan Heights. And the blast was so overwhelming in its force, destroying homes up to ten miles away, local residents thought they were under nuclear attack, especially given it briefly blocked out the sun and a mushroom cloud hovered over the city.


The president further said that it "looks like a terrible attack" — leaving people to again question whether there's intelligence he's seen that points to an attack or bombing. According to the AFP:


Trump says military experts tell him Beirut blast a 'bomb of some kind'.


"It was a bomb of some kind, yes" — he emphasized when questioned on it.

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 6:07 p.m. No.10183993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virgin Australia to slash 3,000 jobs for slimmed post-coronavirus operations


Virgin Australia has revealed plans to make about a third of its workforce redundant, with approximately 3,000 jobs expected to go under new owners Bain Capital, while 6,000 staff remain.


The private equity firm's plan for the airline sees the end of the Tiger Australia brand, although Virgin Australia said it would retain the air operator certificate so it could revive a low-cost carrier when the domestic holiday travel market fully recovered.


A key part of the plan is to operate an all Boeing 737 mainline fleet, with other aircraft types restricted to regional routes and charters.


This will mean removing ATRs, Boeing 777s, Airbus A330s and Tiger's Airbus A320s from the airline's fleet.


Virgin Australia chief executive Paul Scurrah said the airline had no choice but to shrink to survive amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


"Demand for domestic and short-haul international travel is likely to take at least three years to return to pre-COVID-19 levels, with the real chance it could be longer, which means as a business we must make changes to ensure the Virgin Australia Group is successful in this new world," he said in a statement.


"Working with Bain Capital, we will accelerate our plan to deliver a strong future in a challenging domestic and global aviation market.


"We believe that over time we can set the foundations to grow Virgin Australia again and re-employ many of the highly skilled Virgin Australia team."

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 6:09 p.m. No.10184011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4021 >>4033 >>4072 >>4096 >>4125 >>4267

Israeli army says it’s time to ‘transcend conflict’ with Lebanon


"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said


TEL AVIV, August 4. /TASS/. The Israeli Defense Forces said on Tuesday the Jewish state offered humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon after the deadly Beirut port blast, adding that it was time to ‘transcend conflict’ between the two neighbors.



"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said. "This is the time to transcend conflict."


Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the head of the Jewish state’s National Security Council Meir Ben Shabat to discuss ways of sending aid to Beirut with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov.


"Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the permission to render humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon. The minister tasked National Security Council head Meir Ben Shabat to speak with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov and find out what else can Israel do to help Lebanon," the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement.


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin offered his condolences to the people of Lebanon and offered assistance to the country.


"We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely reach out to offer our aid at this difficult time," he wrote on Twitter.


The Israeli Foreign Minsitry said earlier on Tuesday that at the direction of Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, Israel has offered humanitarian medical assistance to the government of Lebanon via security and international channels.


Israel’s Kan public radio station said Israel had also expressed readiness to receive people hurt in the blast for medical treatment.


Kan said earlier in the day citing a source in Israel’s political system that Israel "had nothing to do with" the Beirut blast.


A powerful blast rocked the Beirut port district on Tuesday, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital. The shockwave destroyed and damaged dozens of buildings in the vicinity.


The Lebanese Interior Ministry said the disaster was caused by detonation of more than 50 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, stored in the port since being confiscated from a ship nine years ago.

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 6:09 p.m. No.10184015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli army says it’s time to ‘transcend conflict’ with Lebanon


"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said


TEL AVIV, August 4. /TASS/. The Israeli Defense Forces said on Tuesday the Jewish state offered humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon after the deadly Beirut port blast, adding that it was time to ‘transcend conflict’ between the two neighbors.



"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said. "This is the time to transcend conflict."


Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the head of the Jewish state’s National Security Council Meir Ben Shabat to discuss ways of sending aid to Beirut with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov.


"Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the permission to render humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon. The minister tasked National Security Council head Meir Ben Shabat to speak with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov and find out what else can Israel do to help Lebanon," the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement.


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin offered his condolences to the people of Lebanon and offered assistance to the country.


"We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely reach out to offer our aid at this difficult time," he wrote on Twitter.


The Israeli Foreign Minsitry said earlier on Tuesday that at the direction of Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, Israel has offered humanitarian medical assistance to the government of Lebanon via security and international channels.


Israel’s Kan public radio station said Israel had also expressed readiness to receive people hurt in the blast for medical treatment.


Kan said earlier in the day citing a source in Israel’s political system that Israel "had nothing to do with" the Beirut blast.


A powerful blast rocked the Beirut port district on Tuesday, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital. The shockwave destroyed and damaged dozens of buildings in the vicinity.


The Lebanese Interior Ministry said the disaster was caused by detonation of more than 50 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, stored in the port since being confiscated from a ship nine years ago.

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 6:09 p.m. No.10184016   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli army says it’s time to ‘transcend conflict’ with Lebanon


"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said


TEL AVIV, August 4. /TASS/. The Israeli Defense Forces said on Tuesday the Jewish state offered humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon after the deadly Beirut port blast, adding that it was time to ‘transcend conflict’ between the two neighbors.



"Israel has offered to send humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon via security and international channels," IDF said. "This is the time to transcend conflict."


Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the head of the Jewish state’s National Security Council Meir Ben Shabat to discuss ways of sending aid to Beirut with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov.


"Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the permission to render humanitarian and medical assistance to Lebanon. The minister tasked National Security Council head Meir Ben Shabat to speak with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov and find out what else can Israel do to help Lebanon," the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement.


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin offered his condolences to the people of Lebanon and offered assistance to the country.


"We share the pain of the Lebanese people and sincerely reach out to offer our aid at this difficult time," he wrote on Twitter.


The Israeli Foreign Minsitry said earlier on Tuesday that at the direction of Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, Israel has offered humanitarian medical assistance to the government of Lebanon via security and international channels.


Israel’s Kan public radio station said Israel had also expressed readiness to receive people hurt in the blast for medical treatment.


Kan said earlier in the day citing a source in Israel’s political system that Israel "had nothing to do with" the Beirut blast.


A powerful blast rocked the Beirut port district on Tuesday, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital. The shockwave destroyed and damaged dozens of buildings in the vicinity.


The Lebanese Interior Ministry said the disaster was caused by detonation of more than 50 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, stored in the port since being confiscated from a ship nine years ago.

Anonymous ID: bf35a5 Aug. 4, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.10184263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4289

==NYT Quietly Scrubs Chinese Propaganda

U.S. newspapers collected millions from Beijing to publish propaganda==


The New York Times quietly deleted hundreds of advertorials that the Chinese Communist Party paid to publish on its website.


A Times spokeswoman told the Washington Free Beacon that the move is a reflection of a decision to stop accepting ads from state-run media. "We made the decision at the beginning of this year to stop accepting branded content ads from state run media, which includes China Daily," she said.


The Times‘s decision to end its partnership with China Daily is part of a society-wide reckoning about the cozy relationships between the Chinese government and American institutions, from the NBA to Harvard University. While the paper is responsible for some of the most gut-wrenching stories about Chinese government oppression, it has also run more than 200 propaganda articles in the last decade, some of which sugar-coated China's human rights abuses. One 2019 video ad, for example, promoted Xinjiang tourism by depicting the oppressed Uyghur people as content under Chinese rule.


China Daily, an official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, has been purchasing advertorial spaces in the pages of mainstream U.S. media outlets for the last decade, using the space to disseminate Chinese propaganda to millions of unassuming Americans. In return, U.S. newspapers such as the Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal received millions of dollars.


Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of Congress's China Task Force who has spearheaded efforts to rein in the distribution of Chinese propaganda, applauded the Times for terminating its relationship with China Daily.


"The New York Times has done excellent, detailed reporting on the ongoing Communist Party atrocities in Xinjiang and around the world," the congressman said. "That reporting has finally had an effect—at the New York Times—and it no longer supports covering up the CCP’s barbarity. I hope the other outlets follow suit and start putting American values over Communist bribes."


After the Free Beacon found that China Daily failed to follow federal disclosure requirements about its relationship with U.S. media outlets, Banks and 34 other Congressional Republicans demanded a Justice Department probe into the outlet. Following the demand, China Daily submitted a revised disclosure of its U.S. activities since 2016, revealing previously undisclosed details about its ties with U.S. media organs.