when do these frauds have to move out of their dozens of castles?
or isn't that part of the punishment?
when do these frauds have to move out of their dozens of castles?
or isn't that part of the punishment?
>HOW THE FUCK do these asshole get away with this blatant thief?
they spread around the graft.
everyone gets a piece
and they kill you if you don't take your piece.
>Something HUGE just happened. But what the fuck was it? Does anyone know?
I hope it keeps up at this pace until November.
finally the movie is getting good.
Every great movie has great explosions.
What if the explosions are special effects?
What was 9-11?
Surely 20 years later they can do even better things with their trickery.
Isaiah in the Old Testament is famous for chapter 53, where the great prophet goes into Q mode describing the messiah Jesus.
Hints all around Him but never comes right out and says it.