Anonymous ID: 63102b Aug. 4, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.10185950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Last frame of Beirut bombing video that perfectly showed the "fireworks" prior to the massive explosion reveals a man wearing black pants and shoes. The video shooter said nothing, uttered nothing during the explosion while being blown backwards violently, almost as if expecting it. I asked myself, "Who wears black clothing in that style?"

Anonymous ID: 63102b Aug. 4, 2020, 10:39 p.m. No.10186355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Early today (Tuesday), someone posted this tweet by @Tore_says. I had never heard about that person before, but was stunned to read the statement about the Cleveland FBI raid connected to Ukraine ships parked near the Beirut explosion site. Who is this person, and how did they know that so soon?


Turns out @Tori_says is a woman independent journalist who also has a net radio show covering the news. I listened to the show from today the 4th. She knows our kind of "stuff" inside and out. I also learned that she happens to live a stone's throw from the Cleveland FBI raid location. That still didn't explain how she knew about the two Ukraine ships near the Beirut explosion site.


Well, turns out this Tori person is an expert on the subject of energy in all forms, including human. Yes, that is how the cabal views us, just like in the Matrix - an energy source for their benefit. Turns out she even had Q clearance, presumably with the Dept Of Energy, as pointed out by Q way back when. She mentioned her Q level clearance on her August 4 radio show. Check it out yourself.


Beginning 52:30, in the middle of a rant about the usual grouping of cabal/DS crooks, she starts talking about human currency and energy. At 54:05 she references her Q clearance.


To answer my own question asking how she knew about the Ukraine ships, my guess is that once you have, or have had, Q level security clearance, presumably at the Dept Of Energy, you just know things, or can find out things rather easily. Or the info just comes to you. Or you just know where to look. A second sense.