Anonymous ID: c6b93d Aug. 4, 2020, 10:01 p.m. No.10186056   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I don't see this as a lightning strike at all.

>It looks like it was sourced from inside…

Building wasn't properly grounded. (My best guess)

The building was under construction, for starters.

The higher up one gets into the atmosphere, the greater the voltage potential there is between one and the ground.

But really though, the storm likely played a huge role here, as that too would bring extra charge into the equation.

The building itself might have been collecting free charge from the atmosphere, building a capacitance, until the voltage reached a high enough potential to bridge the arc gap.

Just throwing it out there. I'm not really an expert on anything.

Anonymous ID: c6b93d Aug. 4, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.10186222   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nature is wold shit, anon.

When I was a youngster, I watched my cousin shoot a blue racer snake with a blow-gun, pin it to the ground, capture it, etc.. But that's not the crazy part. He planned to skin it, and decided to kill it by chopping off it's head.

This is where it gets funky. Head gets chopped cleanly off. Okay. Still moving. Both head and body. That's expected, with reflexes and what not. Figured we'd wait. Hour later, still fucking moving. Not just twitches and shit. Like, the tail would wrap itself around your arm if you picked it up. The head was reeee-ing the entire time, but if you got close to it, it tried to bite. The snake was basically fully conscious, alert, and pissed.


My cousin didn't really care, though, and after waiting for so long, he just figured he'd start skinning the tail end. Had the creature completely split open, and sure as shit, heart was still beating. Fucking head was moving around for hours, before it finally bit down on a stick we were approaching it with and kinda sort slowly faded away.


I've never looked at creatures quite the same after that. Don't think I really ever had to dissect anything in science because animal rights activists love being ignorant and shit, but hot damn I sure as shit learned a lot that day