(((shills))) and kikes in general getting DESPERATE.
Nov 20 2017 20:12:32 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6XKIeKXI 150260900
Coordinated effort to silence.
It will only get worse.
All for a LARP right?
(((shills))) and kikes in general getting DESPERATE.
Nov 20 2017 20:12:32 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6XKIeKXI 150260900
Coordinated effort to silence.
It will only get worse.
All for a LARP right?
Mein fucking nigger.
Really wish you all learned to mac address ban already. There's a limit to fucking kike shill faggotry we should allow.
This is open war. ACTIVE war.
understood. These fucking kikes need gassing, period. This shit has slid the board far too much.
Code Monkey, if you are here, give us a shoutout in the threads so we can fucking gas these (((shill kikes))) and whittle down their numbers.
Pic definitely related. Time to play hard ball with normies.
>The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.