This is pretty well done, actually.
Yep, all they can do it lie. Not even interested in watching it, to be completely honest. Just wondering where the fast-forward button is. It's almost as annoying as:
>fundamentally unserious
I do not know if Kayleigh is read in on the plan or not. As in, does she know "patriots are in control" and all that? Likely, she does. That being the case, I hate that part of the plan is letting this tired ass movie play out to try to wake the normies. It means Kayleigh's statements re: "Democrats being unserious" is just 100% bullshit fluff. If she knows the plan, which she likely does, it means she knows the D's have no fucking choice, else Biden would have never been their front running. The Ds are being forced to self destruct because patriots are in control. And trust me, I'm 1000% A-OK with this. It just grates on me that this is what it takes to wake people up. It's the most discouraging thing I've ever witnessed, actually. And the fact that the plan feels it necessary to carry on with this shit show to try and "save" as many people as they can so as to not have massive amounts of riots and protest when they do finally get around to throwing these disgusting pieces of shit into GITMO.
Either people are paying attention to WTF is going on, or they aren't. Chances are, everyone is 100% fully invested in their news resources, and the narrative they bought in to a long time ago. Not everyone, of course, but many. Especially the hopelessly "white liberal" crowd (sorry, not pulling race card, but if you have friends like this, you know what I'm talking about). Most people have made up their minds, long ago, about what's going on. It doesn't matter who they talk to or what facts you present to them, they are set, and that's that.
I like Kayleigh; don't get me wrong. She's no where near my favorite Press Sec, but that's irrelevant. What I'm getting at is we're in that phase of the movie where "director's cut" applies. As in, this is all the stupid fucking shit that wouldn't have made it to the theater version because it's fucking pointless, and doesn't help the script at all. But, to have that "director's cut" version, you gotta write some shit in to fill the void so you can have more than one version to sell at different prices when it goes straight to Blu-Ray; you dig what I'm getting at?
Look at this shit show and tell me you don't want to "an hero" when you are reminded that:
There are people that believe Antifa is on the right side of things.
There are people that believe these masks are helping prevent the spread of something that…
Literally has a cure that people can't get their hands on because it's not OTC because…
This administration (the Plan) decided to take the long route to demonstrate to everyone that isn't listening that…
Big Pharma wholly controls everything medical which is why…
The White House went flippy flop on the masks and vaccines and Remdesivir because it's a 5D chess move that's going to lead to people in-person voting and…
Kids having to wear masks to school appease the adults acting like a bunch of ignorant faggots because they are apparently way too stupid to educate themselves enough to…
See that this shit show, every single moment of it, is actually part of the plan Q has talked about from the start to get us closer to the 4-6% number.
But yeah, if we could have just cut 2020 out of the picture entirely, I think the plan was pretty damned good.
> I wondered if she might be in GITMO already
Anon, at this stage in the game, anything is possible. Quite literally, anything.