She damn sure has more miles of rough road on her than 23!!
The part when he shit on her face and she rubbed it all over in her nappy head was nasty, too.
saving Israel for last
Be a real pleasure to watch this worthless cunt crash and burn!!
he's a fuckin ginger!
I am a financially secure, early retiree with a Bus. Admin. degree and a 30 yr Legal Secretary career under my belt. Just spent two yrs as facilitator for my grand-daughter's home school/online program. Positive I can pass any teaching certification requirements my state of Texas might require. Live in semi-rural area with kickass high speed home wifi.
I could take in 10-15 kids with laptops/online programs just from neighbors in a half mile! PLUS personal instruction and real life knowledge!
I'll have those kids writing in cursive for the next 200 years! Kek!
Houston became an absolute shit hole with all the Katrina trash that got sent there! Those groids STILL haven't been culled!