what (else) could possibly go wrong?
just look at how interested folks are in the bomb in Beirut
just look how interested in churches being burned down
see it can't you?
sup, mohel?
DJT just used 16 capitals.
oy vey caramba!
16 capitals in 3 lines
1st & last = BIG Treason
ObamaBiden = 10 letters
There are 10 words with capitals if you choose to consider "ObamaBiden" a word.
Obam aBide n
4 5 1
abide. hmmm.
who wants to live with these people?
7% of its staff in the Americas and the U.K. to be black and 9% to be Latino professionals
well how are they going to do that when we kick all the blacks out of the UK and Ireland?
not at all.
optics are convenient for someone aren't they?
want proof
why rabbi?