Interesting new Wikipedia-alternative resource. Info similar to Wikipedia but no cancel culture or SJW demands are permitted!
Infogalactic does not require that edits be based on "published reliable source[s]" (because "experience has proven how reliance upon the latter can be easily gamed by editors and administrators") but instead requires that info "be true, relevant, and verifiable."
From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core
Infogalactic is an Internet-based, free-content encyclopedia project that is a dynamic fork of Wikipedia and improves upon that online encyclopedia's model of openly editable content. Infogalactic's pages are interlinked in order to connect the user to related pages with additional information, and are categorized in a variety of ways, including Relativity, Notability, and Reliability to allow the user to prioritize his personalized perspective.
Infogalactic is written collaboratively by volunteers who contribute and edit without compensation. Anyone with Internet access can create and make changes to Infogalactic articles, except in limited cases where editing is restricted to prevent disruption or vandalism. Users can contribute anonymously, under a pseudonym, or with their real identity.
The foundational principles by which Infogalactic operates are very different from the Five Pillars of Wikipedia. These principles are known as the Seven Canons of Infogalactic.
Infogalactic does not share the highly centralized structure of Wikipedia or the ideological dogma of the Wikimedia Foundation. The primary requirements are for the information contributed to be true, relevant, and verifiable, rather than cited from a so-called “published reliable source”, since experience has proven how reliance upon the latter can be easily gamed by editors and administrators alike. There is no culture of notability, ideology, or deletionism at Infogalactic. The addition of perspective filters and two levels of Context and Opinion to every page means that the average editor's contribution is much less likely to be deleted for political reasons or fall victim to edit wars over controversial pages.
Infogalactic is designed around the idea that the user should be permitted to decide what information is relevant to him, not 500 ideologically-driven thought police.
Infogalactic is genuinely committed to becoming the Planetary Knowledge Core. In practical terms, that means corporate and autobiographical information is welcomed, so long as the information contributed abides by the principles laid out in the Seven Canons. Advertising, marketing, and sales-related materials are not allowed, but employees are encouraged to provide factual information such as locations, open hours, and contact details on the relevant page about their company.
CANON ONE - Infogalactic does not define reality.
Infogalactic's Starlords are not the reality police. Infogalactic is not Wikipedia, it is a dynamic knowledge core designed to be a useful, up-to-date reference for the user consulting it. Only the user can define his perspective; no one else can define what is true for him or force him to accept their subjective interpretation of reality, no matter how reliable their sources might be.
CANON TWO - Infogalactic is written from an objective point of view.
Since no human being on the planet is neutral, objectivity is the most for which we can reasonably strive. Infogalactic is non-ideological and the Starlords will ruthlessly eliminate all ideological spin, framing, narrative, and context from the Fact-level pages regardless of whether they agree with it or not.
CANON THREE - Infogalactic is free content.
Anyone can freely use and distribute it. Since all editors freely license their work to the public, no editor or administrator owns a page and all contributions can be edited and redistributed at will. ..
CANON FOUR - No griefing.
All griefers, which is to say trolls, vandals, rules lawyers, and ideological crusaders, will be aggressively anticipated, trapped, and exterminated. …
CANON FIVE - Play nice and play fair.
Be decent to your fellow Galaxians. There is no One True Page on Infogalactic and there is no need to engage in edit wars.
CANON SIX - Infogalactic has clearly defined rules and processes.
When in doubt about how to apply or interpret them, ask your fellow Galaxians. If they don't know the answer, ask a Starlord. …
CANON SEVEN - Facts are facts.
Facts are not context, they are not logical conclusions, and they are not justifiable opinions. Only externally verifiable facts belong on the Factual level of a page; …