One hell of a sonic boom in Beirut…for an "accident".
Hard no.
Shit, I thought you were in charge!
Cranky shills are cranky.
I could really use that stimulus package btw. Xan we get that done?
Oh I see. The shills are cranky bc Sally Yates testified today. Kek. Bunch of cry babies.
>>10191490 Sally Yates Testifies Comey Went “Rogue” in Decision to Ambush General Flynn in January 2017
So, how is it that Comey is not in Prison yet?
This asshole trying to take credit for the space program. What a loser.
We love you Flynn.
Fuck if bigly.
Um, its still not illegal to own "multiple firearms".
Why do you keep pushing this?
Good God, as if I want to see Michelle Obama's feet.
If you're in NY city. GET OUT NOW.
They are installing covid check points on all major bridges and entry points into NYC.
Sauce: Cavuto on FOX