Anonymous ID: a35404 Aug. 5, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.10193631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3991

To the fucking glowtards,


You do not control anons, you do not control what anons dig on, you cannot control what anons say, you cannot control what we think, anons bow to no one and anons will not be divided.


Enjoy hell, glowtards.

Anonymous ID: a35404 Aug. 5, 2020, 4:28 p.m. No.10193792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aaron Keyak: 'Biden will re-engage with Iran for a diplomatic solution'


If Joe Biden is elected as president, he will work with the US allies to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, “which will include re-engaging Iran in a diplomatic solution,” said Aaron Keyak, who serves as the Biden campaign’s director for Jewish engagement.

Speaking at a webinar hosted by the Jewish Democratic Council of America, Keyak said that the diplomatic engagement is meant to ensure that the Islamic Republic returns to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal and to “verifiably prevent a nuclear-armed Iran and find verifiable ways to ensure that it doesn’t happen in the long-term.”

He slammed US President Donald Trump for withdrawing from the agreement, saying that “it is hard to draw up a more disastrous policy than the one president Trump has executed.” According to Keyak, “he tore up a deal with Iran that was working to prevent that country from obtaining nuclear weapons. He actually proved that in the short life of JCPOA it achieved its goals. As president, Joe Biden will hold Iran accountable for its destabilizing activities throughout the region,” he said.

