Anonymous ID: 130802 Aug. 5, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.10196319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6368 >>6403 >>6479 >>6540 >>6568

State Department Acting IG Abruptly Resigns Months After Previous Deep State IG Steve Linick Was Fired


The State Department’s Acting Inspector General Stephen Akard abruptly resigned on Wednesday just months after the previous IG was fired.


In May President Trump fired State Department IG Steve Linick, a Deep State hack and Obama holdover who worked with Democrats during the sham impeachment.


Acting IG Stephen Akard took over Linick’s investigation into accusations about arms deals against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.


Akard resigned on Wednesday.


AFP reported:


The internal watchdog looking into accusations about arms deals against US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo abruptly quit Wednesday, just months after his predecessor was fired.


Stephen Akard –the State Department’s acting inspector general — is a longtime aide to Vice President Mike Pence and his installation in May had widely been seen as a way to keep a friendly figure in the role.


“He left to go back home. This happens. I don’t have anything more to add to that,” Pompeo told reporters, declining further comment.


A State Department spokesperson said Akard was “returning to the private sector after years of public service,” adding: “We appreciate his dedication to the department and to our country.”

Anonymous ID: 130802 Aug. 5, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.10196334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6357 >>6373 >>6403 >>6434 >>6479 >>6540 >>6568

Twitter Bans President Trump’s Campaign From Tweeting Until They Remove Post Containing ‘Coronavirus Misinformation’ on Kids and COVID-19


Update: The Washington Post corrected its report on Trump’s tweet. Trump’s campaign was banned from tweeting, not the President’s official Twitter account.


Twitter on Wednesday banned President Trump’s campaign from tweeting until they delete a tweet about the Coronavirus that the tech company says violates its “rules against misinformation.”


This is happening in an election year during a pandemic. Where is the DOJ? Where are the Republican lawmakers?


The Washington Post corrected its report that Twitter banned President Trump over his tweet of a video clip of a Fox News interview in which he said children are “almost immune” from Covid-19.


Twitter banned Trump’s campaign, not the President’s account.


Twitter hid the post and said he will not be able to tweet from his account until he deletes it, although he can appeal.


The tech giants are working together to silence the President of the United States and his campaign.


Facebook censored the President Trump on Wednesday, taking down a video posted to President Trump’s personal page of an interview on Fox and Friends from the morning in which Trump talked about children and the coronavirus as it relates to opening schools. Facebook claims Trump was spreading misinformation by saying in the interview that children are “almost immune” to the virus.

Anonymous ID: 130802 Aug. 5, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.10196370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6426 >>6438 >>6479 >>6540 >>6568

CONFIRMED: Twitter Official Who Announced Trump Campaign Account Suspension Is Former Kamala Harris Press Secretary


Twitter on Wednesday banned President Trump’s campaign from tweeting until they delete a tweet about the Coronavirus that the tech company says violates its “rules against misinformation.”


This is happening in an election year during a pandemic. Where is the DOJ? Where are the Republican lawmakers?


The Washington Post corrected its report that Twitter banned President Trump over his tweet of a video clip of a Fox News interview in which he said children are “almost immune” from Covid-19.


Twitter banned Trump’s campaign, not the President’s account.


Twitter on Wednesday banned President Trump’s campaign from tweeting until they delete a tweet about the Coronavirus that the tech company says violates its “rules against misinformation.”


This is happening in an election year during a pandemic. Where is the DOJ? Where are the Republican lawmakers?


The Washington Post corrected its report that Twitter banned President Trump over his tweet of a video clip of a Fox News interview in which he said children are “almost immune” from Covid-19.


Twitter banned Trump’s campaign, not the President’s account.


Twitter hid the post and said he will not be able to tweet from his account until he deletes it, although he can appeal.


The tech giants are working together to silence the President of the United States and his campaign.


And now we know that the Twitter official who was first to announce the suspension of the Trump campaign account.

His name is Nick Pacilio.


And Pacilio admitted it on Twitter!

Anonymous ID: 130802 Aug. 5, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.10196383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410 >>6479 >>6540 >>6566 >>6568

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Blasts ‘House Parties,’ Will Cut Water and Power to ‘Super-Spreaders’


Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti blasted house parties on Wednesday, saying that he would instruct city officials to cut off water and power to properties where “flagrant violations” of social distancing rules have taken place in recent days.


Garcetti was reacting to reports of large parties in the hills earlier this week, including one where people reportedly threw money from balconies — and where a gang-related shooting later killed one and wounded four people at the party.


Local ABC affiliate KABC-7 reported that “there was little social distancing and even fewer masks” at the party. The party was reportedly staged to shoot a music video, according to one partygoer. Prior to the shooting, police paid a visit after neighbors complained about the noise, but their warnings were ignored.


Parties are banned in Los Angeles County.


Garcetti warned that house parties and other such events “ripple throughout our entire community because the virus can quickly and easily spread.”


He also said that there had been “good news in the last two weeks,” as the number of new cases of coronavirus had been falling in the city, with L.A. hitting one million coronavirus tests (and 1.8 million in the county as a whole). Garcetti noted that there had recently been a 20% drop in the number of new cases, and that the transmission rate is 0.91.


Similar reductions in hospitalizations have taken place across Southern California.


Garcetti added that L.A. expressed condolences to victims of the recent explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, which is a sister city.

Anonymous ID: 130802 Aug. 5, 2020, 9 p.m. No.10196395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6479 >>6540 >>6568

How Central Banks Made The COVID Panic Worse


Historical events are complex phenomena, and monocausal explanations are therefore by definition wrong when explaining history. Many factors go into explaining why people and the world’s governments reacted as they did to the coronavirus. It is, however, my contention that examining the inflationary policies pursued by central banks and governments are fundamental to understanding how the current corona hysteria developed.


Calling it hysteria may sound harsh. When the coronavirus first started to draw attention back in February, and when most Western countries instituted extremely restrictive measures in March, one could make a plausible argument that the world was dealing with an unknown and seemingly catastrophic disease and that therefore extreme measures were justified. To be sure, this does not mean that the measures implemented were in any way effective, nor that the sacrifices imposed were morally justified; but there was at least an argument to be made.


At this point in time, however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has repeatedly cut the COVID-19 fatality rate, and it is now comparable to a bad year of the seasonal flu (see the useful aggregation of studies and reports by Swiss Propaganda Research). The glaring question therefore is: Why do governments across the West act as if they were still dealing with an unprecedented threat? It is no good to simply reply that what politicians really want is power and that they are just using coronavirus as an excuse for extending government control. While a plausible claim, it does not explain why vast majorities in most countries support whatever policies their rulers have thought good. Given the extreme restrictions placed on social and economic life and the mendacious, ever shifting narrative used to justify them, one would think that there would be widespread opposition after four months. So why is there practically none?


Inflation in the Age of Corona


We can better understand this strange phenomenon if we consider the inflationary policies pursued by central banks across the world. I’ll here cleave to the old definition of the term inflation and the one still favored by Austrian school economists: an increase in the quantity of money. The rise in prices which is commonly referred to as inflation is simply the effect of such an increase. While the complexities of modern central banking can sometimes obscure the realities of the process, there can be no doubt that the last couple of months have seen very high levels of inflation.


Modern central banks are no longer content with the classic role of lender of last resort. As the financial system has evolved, central banks have assumed the role of market maker of last resort—that is, they have either implicitly or explicitly assumed the responsibility of making sure that there is always a buyer for financial assets—and first of all government bonds. Thus the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has ballooned from just over $4 trillion at the beginning of March to now just below $7 trillion; the Bank of England’s has increased from about £580 billion in March to about £780 billion; and the European Central Bank has increased its holdings from about €4.6 trillion to about €6.3 trillion. The balance sheets of the largest central banks thus expanded by between 35 and 75 percent in about five months.

Anonymous ID: 130802 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.10196402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6479 >>6540 >>6568

1 in 4 Vote-by-Mail Ballots Disqualified in New York City Democrat Primary


The New York City Board of Elections disqualified 84,208 vote-by-mail ballots — 26% of the total cast — in the June 23 Democratic presidential primary, according to a report cited Wednesday evening by the New York Post.


The Post reported:


The city BOE received 403,213 mail-in ballots for the June 23 Democratic presidential primary.


But the certified results released Wednesday revealed that only 318,995 mail-in ballots were counted.


That’s means 84,208 ballots were not counted or invalidated — 26 percent of the total.


One out of four mail-in ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or failing to include a voter’s signature, or other defects.


Votes are still being counted from the June 23 primary, where several close elections were only decided weeks later.


Earlier on Wednesday, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) declared victory — more than six weeks later — over her primary challenger.


New York State encouraged voters to vote by mail rather than in person, citing the risk of coronavirus.


Nearly 2 million voters statewide requested mail-in ballots, and the system was overwhelmed, according to an earlier report by NBC-4 New York that described “a tidal wave of absentee ballots that overwhelmed a system which typically handles only around 5% of the vote,” and fears of “disenfranchisement.”


President Donald Trump reiterated his concerns Wednesday at a press briefing at the White House, where he said that states that did not have existing vote-by-mail systems ran the risk of irregularities that could delay the result of the presidential election from being known.

Anonymous ID: 130802 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.10196412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jeff Bezos Just Sold Over $3 Billion In Amazon Stock


In a sale which we are confident will be defended as just "selling for tax purposes" or "considering charitable giving" and certainly not "an admission that Amazon is overpriced", Jeff Bezos took to the open market this week to dump a million shares of Amazon stock, worth just over $3 billion, company SEC filings revealed on Wednesday.


Bezos sold the majority of the shares between $3,106 and $3,167, decreasing the number of shares he beneficially owns from 55,488,700 to 54,488,700. The company's CEO of Amazon Web Services, Andrew R. Jassey, also sold 6,945 shares on August 3, 2020 at a price of $3,183, netting him about $2.2 million.