Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.10196657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6696 >>6703 >>6732 >>6848 >>6948 >>7038 >>7063 >>7139 >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

Judicial Watch: FDA Under Obama Paid For Fresh Fetal Body Parts To Create ‘humanized mice’


A top government watchdog group obtained 165 pages of records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealing that the FDA under the Obama administration paid $96,370 for “fresh and never frozen” tissue from first and second trimester aborted fetuses to use in creating ‘humanized mice’ for ongoing research.”


The purchases included eight contracts signed “between 2012 and 2018” with the non-profit group Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) to acquire the baby body parts.


ABR was the subject of numerous past criminal referrals issued by House and Senate committees, stated the watchdog. Lawmakers are also investigating whether Planned Parenthood “or any other entity was illegally profiting from the handling of fetal tissue from aborted babies,” the press release stated.


From The Judicial Watch Press Release:


Federal law regulates the purchase and acceptance of human fetal tissue for research purposes. It is unlawful to knowingly transfer fetal tissue for profit.


Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department Health and Human Services (No. 1:19-cv-00876)) after HHS failed to respond adequately to a September 28, 2018, FOIA request seeking:


All contracts and related documentation between FDA and Advanced Biosciences Resources (ABR) for the provision of human fetal tissue to be used in humanized mice research.

All records reflecting the disbursement of funds to ABR for the provision of human fetal tissue to be used in humanized mice research.


All guidelines and procedural documents provided to ABR by FDA relating to the acquisition and extraction of human fetal tissue for its provision to the FDA for humanized mice research.

All communications between FDA officials and employees and representatives of ABR related to the provision by ABR to the FDA of human fetal tissue for the purpose of humanized mice research.


Records obtained by the conservative watchdog group reveal a June 28, 2017, email exchange with the subject line “FDA RFQ” (Request for Quotation) between a redacted FDA contract specialist and an ABR official named Ms. Larton.


The FDA official asks Larton, an ABR official, “I am tasked with the purchase of tissues suitable for HM [humanized mice] research. I would like to request a quote. Please review the Statement of Work and quote your pricing as outlined.” She then includes a table for 16 “Human Fetal Tissue – Liver”, 16 “Human Fetal Tissue – Thymus”, 16 HIV, HepA, HepB, HepC tests, and shipping and delivery. The Statement of Work notes:


“The Division of Applied Regulatory Science (DARS) OCP/OTS/CDER is conducting a research program to evaluate the usefulness of humanized mice (HM) for regulatory purposes.


The HM are created by surgical implantation of human tissue into mice that have multiple genetic mutations that block the development of the mouse immune system at a very early stage. The absence of the mouse immune system allows the human tissues to grow and develop into functional human tissues. As part of this process DARS needs to repeatedly acquire the proper type of tissues. In order for the humanization to proceed correctly we need to obtain fetal tissue with a specific set of specialized characteristics.“

Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.10196677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6697 >>6703 >>6730 >>6848 >>6948 >>7038 >>7063 >>7139 >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

Jonathan Turley's Right to Ask if Antifa is the 'Greatest Movement Against Free Speech in America.' We've Got Proof.


The boo-birds are out and busily castigating George Washington University Professor Jonathan Turley for floating the idea in The Hill that antifa is “the greatest movement against free speech in America.” He poses it as a question, but after years of watching these violent thugs, I can assure him that there is an answer to the query – an unequivocal yes.


Google, Facebook, and Twitter do a wholesale bang-up business of shutting down conservative thought online – blatant censorship – but nothing says retail silencing like a masked thug shouting in your face so that your literal message cannot be heard, or threatening you with physical violence to stop you from covering a riot.


These are the street thugs of antifa.


Turley makes quick work of the fools, such as Congressman Jerry Nadler, who claim the group is an apparition, and advances his idea that being anti-free speech is in the DNA of the group.


Antifa has found allies while the movement has grown. It primarily targets conservatives and the free speech community, so it has not been a major concern of liberals. Former Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison, now the Minnesota attorney general, once said antifa would “strike fear in the heart” of Trump. This was after antifa had been involved in numerous acts of violence and its website was banned in Germany. His own son, Minneapolis City Council member Jeremiah Ellison, declared his allegiance to antifa in the heat of the protests this summer.


That fact is that antifa works to strike fear not in the heart of Trump but in the heart of anyone who will oppose the movement. The antifa handbook states how the group has rejected the idea of free speech and has spent years organizing protests to prevent opposing views from getting heard. That practice has been adopted by other groups as well. Antifa violence can give colleges or politicians cover for barring conservative speakers. Nancy Pelosi has called for the revocation of a permit for a conservative prayer group viewed as a security matter in San Francisco.


As someone who has had her life threatened by these knuckleheads (the police didn’t think the doxxing and written threats represented an existential threat) because of my writings, I’ve seen quite a bit. You may have just heard this odd-sounding antifa name recently, but I’ve been watching the far-Left mobs – ELF, ALF, Earth First, PETA , anti-Semitic mobs, “Portland Peaceful Response” – rule the streets of Portland for years—since at least 2000.


I’ve seen these activists physically attack and pressure the Leftist “justice” machine in Portland to ruin the life and career of journalist Michael Strickland, who pulled a gun to stop antifa thugs from further beatings (no shots were fired).


They’ve beaten up relative newcomer Andy Ngo, who has watched the protest scene since 2016, and have physically tossed out, intimidated, and threatened anyone who dares cover their protests on public property. Because if you report about them, that’s snitching. “You’ve been warned.”



Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:42 p.m. No.10196685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6701 >>6703 >>6848 >>6948 >>7038 >>7063 >>7139 >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

White House adviser: Fighting human trafficking, modern-day slavery means protecting U.S. border


"At the end of the day, when you talk about safe and secure borders, really the people you're trying to protect are those women and their children … who immediately get put into a trafficking lane and are never able to escape.'"


A senior White House adviser argued in a video interview with Just the News that in their criticism of President Trump's strong border control policies, the political left ignores that fighting modern-day slavery and human trafficking means successfully protecting U.S. borders.


"The president gets a lot of pushback on his immigration stance," said Brooke Rollins, Acting Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. "But at the end of the day, when you talk about safe and secure borders, really the people you're trying to protect are those women and their children who were crossing, who are trying to get to America, who immediately get put into a trafficking lane and are never able to escape."


Her comments come as she joined Attorney General Robert Barr and White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump on Tuesday at the White House to announce $35 million in housing assistance grants from the Department of Justice for victims of human trafficking.


The grants will go to 73 organizations across the country to provide transitional housing assistance for trafficking victims, including rental, utilities or related expenses, such as security deposits and relocation costs. The grants will also provide funding for support needed to help victims locate permanent housing, secure employment, and receive occupational training and counseling.


The human trafficking crisis has become more urgent, authorities say, during the COVID-19 shutdown, when many victims are forced to shelter-in-place with their traffickers. The coronavirus has created an increased sense of urgency as a reported 25,000 — mostly women and children — are trafficked daily in the United States.


The Polaris Project is a non-profit that works to combat human trafficking and modern-day slavery. According to the group, there was a 40% increase in the number of crisis trafficking situations reported to its National Human Trafficking Hotline in a 30-day period after after shelter-in-place orders took hold nationally compared to a 30-day period before the first order was imposed. Comparing the same time periods, there was a reported doubling of situations in which people needed immediate emergency shelter.

Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:42 p.m. No.10196690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6703 >>6848 >>6948 >>7038 >>7063 >>7139 >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

Chilean Ambassador to Colombia Attacked, Foreign Minister Says


Chilean Ambassador to Colombia Ricardo Hernandez has been attacked, Chilean Foreign Minister Andres Allamand said.


The incident occurred on Tuesday as Hernandez was heading from his home to the embassy in Bogota.


"I contacted the Ambassador to Colombia, Ricardo Hernandez, who was attacked yesterday", the foreign minister wrote on Twitter.


Me comuniqué con Embajador en Colombia, Ricardo Hernández,quien ayer fue víctima de un ataque armado.Mi reconocimiento al escolta de Carabineros,Sgto. 2º, Eduardo Garrido, quien repelió el asalto utilizando su arma de servicio.

— Andrés Allamand (@allamand) August 5, 2020


He thanked a member of the ambassador's security service who repelled the attack.


The Colombian authorities are investigating the circumstances of the attack.

Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.10196706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6848 >>6948 >>7038 >>7063 >>7139 >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

Nearly 40 People Injured in Grenade Attack at Rally in Pakistan


At least 39 people were injured in a grenade attack at a rally in the Pakistani city of Karachi, media reported, citing officials.


According to the Dawn newspaper, the explosion occurred near the truck that was part of the rally near Bait-ul-Mukarram Masjid.


A majority of the wounded received "very minor injuries", while some were discharged, a local official said.


The Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army claimed responsibility for the attack through social media, the news outlet read.


The rally was held by the Jamaat-i-Islami* organization in connection with the first anniversary of India's abolition of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, whose territory is claimed by Pakistan.—reports/

Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.10196711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6848 >>6887 >>6948 >>7038 >>7063 >>7139 >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

Virtual Court Hearing For Teenage Twitter Hacker, Hacked By ‘Zoombombers’ Playing Porn



A virtual court hearing was held Tuesday for Graham Clark, the 17-year-old accused of masterminding the July 15 hacking of the Twitter accounts of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, and others. His bound court hearing was temporarily cut short after infiltrators entered the call playing porn and loud music.


Clark oversaw the hacking of several prominent Twitter pages and posted requests for Bitcoin deposits — he grossed over $100,000 from the hack.


The Tuesday hearing was to agree on a bond. Clark’s lawyer was in the middle of requesting a reduction from the current $750,000 bond when the intruders began playing the disruptive and obscene content.


17-year-old boy from Tampa, Florida has been arrested for allegedly orchestrating the massive bitcoin hack on Twitter.


The teenager is in jail and facing 30 felony counts for Twitter hack that affected many celebrities and companies including Elon Musk, Kanye West and Apple.

— EHA News (@eha_news) July 31, 2020


These interruptions posed as journalists to join the call but quickly deployed their destruction tactics. Dubbed ‘Zoombombers,’ unwanted Zoom guests have become a sort of trend over the last few months as classes and companies have taken to the video calling app to conduct class and business. There are ways to protect your calls, read here.


The hearing was resumed about ten minutes, as reported by the Daily Mail. Hackers were able to play the videos and music as there were no protections against guests unmuting themselves and sharing their screens.


BREAKING: Tampa 17-year-old accused of being ‘mastermind’ behind Twitter hack that targeted high-profile accounts. Graham Clark faces 30 felony charges. – WFLA

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 31, 2020


Clark is facing 30 felony charges including 17 counts of communications fraud, 11 counts of fraudulent use of personal information, and one count each of organized fraud of more than $5,000 and accessing computers or electronic devices without authority, according to the Daily Mail.

Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.10196746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6768 >>6848 >>6948 >>7038 >>7063 >>7139 >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

Pro-Greenfield ‘Small Biz Owner’ Is Actually A Dem Official


Greenfield trots out longtime Iowa Dem to defend her controversial business record


Senate contender Theresa Greenfield is out with a new ad featuring the praise of a local "small business owner" who is in reality a longtime Democratic activist and former elected official.


In the ad, former Des Moines City Council member and Democratic donor Loretta Sieman calls criticism of Greenfield's business record "flat-out false."


Greenfield has come under fire for her work as a real estate executive, which included evicting local businesses from an Iowa shopping center in a failed attempt to make way for a multinational corporation. In March, she quietly deleted all mentions of her former real estate companies from her campaign site.


Sieman, who runs a Des Moines-based nonprofit consulting firm, served 17 years on the West Des Moines City Council. She has repeatedly identified herself as a liberal—in a September 2019 interview with liberal blog Bleeding Heartland, Sieman said she was "born a Democrat." Iowa Democratic congresswoman Cindy Axne also touted Sieman's endorsement on a 2018 list of notable supporters.


Campaign finance disclosures show that Sieman has contributed thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates and liberal causes over the last 16 years. She has given exclusively to Democrats at the federal level, including $750 to former Iowa Democratic Senate nominee Roxanne Conlin in 2010. At the state level, nearly 80 percent of Sieman's donations—more than $2,650—have gone to Democrats. Recipients include failed gubernatorial candidate Fred Hubbell, who received $1,000 from Sieman, as well as the Iowa Democratic Party. Sieman, who spent two years as a Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa board member, has also contributed nearly $1,000 to the Planned Parenthood Voters of Iowa PAC.

Anonymous ID: 91a8e9 Aug. 5, 2020, 11:04 p.m. No.10197188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7245 >>7299 >>7321

There Are No Women Leading Marine Infantry Platoons. The Corps Wants to Change That


Nearly 300 female Marines have moved into combat-arms jobs that were, up until less than five years ago, previously open only to men. But only one female officer has led a Marine infantry platoon so far.


Now, the Marine Corps is calling on female lieutenants and captains to consider making a lateral move into the infantry officer military occupational specialty. The decision would require women to attempt the arduous Infantry Officer Course, which prepares Marines to lead grunts in combat.


Two female Marines have passed the course so far. Women have been allowed to attempt it since 2012.


The Marine Corps put out a service-wide message this week soliciting female company-grade officers to volunteer to go infantry. The Infantry Officer Course is typically open to second lieutenants just out of The Basic School.


The push aligns with a priority Commandant Gen. David Berger set in February to get more women leading grunt units. Berger told earlier this year that he's not only open to extending the opportunity to first lieutenants and captains, but also women who left active duty before the restrictions blocking them from serving in combat jobs were lifted.


"If the door wasn't open before, why don't we say, 'OK, you're a captain – if you want to, we'll give you a shot,'" Berger said earlier this year. "… Or if they left the military or went into the Reserve because it wasn't an option for them, why don't we make it an option?"


Marine officials did not immediately respond to questions about whether there's a certain number of women they're hoping to see take up the call to attempt IOC. The message says qualified women interested in attempting the course must submit a lateral move package by Sept. 30.


The possible career switch is open only to those on active duty who haven't yet been considered for promotion to major. They must have completed The Basic School prior to January 2016, when combat jobs across the military opened to women. They must also be in top shape physically with a first-class physical fitness test score, and have current marksmanship and swim qualifications.


Naval aviators and unmanned aircraft system officers aren't eligible to apply.


The Marine Corps has struggled to find female officers willing to attempt the grueling 84-day Infantry Officer Course. As of February, fewer than 10 women had attempted it since infantry jobs opened to women in 2016, and two had graduated.


Anyway they can to dull the fighting forces