This is a documentary made by a Christian group about Saul Alinsky infiltrating the Catholic Church (A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing). Alinsky is Hillary's mentor and dedicated his book to Satan. I wonder if he associated with the Pope?
The devil may have very well gained control of the Lord's House...kick him out if so! I think the Pope is always supposed to have a exorcist with him to make sure that satan doesn't possess him. Who would he want more than the Pope?...hmmmm
Also, if by chance he was a satanist, it doesn't mean he is possessed. Anyone can worship satan if they lack a spine and are too dumb to realize satan shows no compassion. He doesn't care for them no matter how much they sacrifice or worship. Their god hates them and they may not get to die again after this life...too bad for them, that's gonna suck. Do you really think the prince of darkness cares about his servants? Do creeps care about their sex slaves? When you make deals with the devil, you get burned.
https:// youtu.be/CGOPJwf78wg