From Netflix series "Trump an American Dream" ???
Opening episode has cameras IN SOTU address…..
From Netflix series "Trump an American Dream" ???
Opening episode has cameras IN SOTU address…..
I had that same feeling at that time…
But looking back, I still feel we were not supposed to find it YET.
Watch the opening of this series and see how they frame out the SOTU… it may be an Easter Egg type find.
Q has my Radar ALWAYS on.
WE have SO much more than we know.
I literally just started watching the series.
It was an opening scene, but I will be watching for anything of use Anon.
Hannity, Bongino, Carter, & Gorka, all have hinted to this.
Comey "you have the right to remain silent"
The LITERAL nail in the coffin.
Who knows where the bodies are buried?