Anonymous ID: 6898ec April 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.1019775   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Working together across wide networks, listening posts and botnets can direct human social narratives through active measures - mass silence (shadowban), push (upvote, retweet), and spam. Each bot learns to mimic the output of its target which is why we witness "shills" and "bots" with various types of behavior - aggressive, apathetic, distracting, etc. In this way, each bot performs "double duty" - working on the target, as well as using its learning algorithm and listening post commands to perform psychological warfare operations online against a broad, and generally unaware public.


That seems the tactic of the C_A, Physcological warfare for to lost faith in the people. Also used with the KGB. A perfect example are the shills/bots in 8chan.They really play with our minds.