This is funny as hell.
And related to my response that didn't make it in time for the last bread (verbosefag is oratorfag):
Just watch it all play out. Q has full control.
Keep digging, keep training. Keep recruiting. Stand by for the orders to deploy.
Of course… My absolute confidence in this is hard to explain without some things that I am not sure are called for, just yet. Consider why we are anons. It is not our personal identities that matter. In the old internet, before persistent profiles, we wore many masks that were forged purely from the local internet. It didn't matter who we were, just that we were able to share and compete ideas in a neutral environment.
Q didn't become what he is by his identity. He climbed to the top of the internet based on his contribution that we regarded as equally as any insider fore or since. It actually makes the second time Q has surprised me with how my initial assessment fell radically short of the mark - and both times, I was never more happy.
Combining with other things Q has hinted at and some things I have noticed… Deep patterns within human history and legend… Expanded thinking leads me well into some ideas that … There is a reason why you are not told these things. Why the blood lines are important… Why the skin of Gods, why they are terrified of 'us' - and how all of that ties into one of Q's peculiar comments.
For many to follow through all of that, to grasp it… They have to understand just who is behind Q. The man and the many people backing him.
Even now, many anons cling to the idea they know anything. People arguing the Earth is flat or round… People saying they are out if aliens are discussed, people who think they have any idea what duplicity has been going on in the swamp…
For now, the complete fucking chaos is beneficial. The empty suits in the media are so desperate to believe someone will spare them the jaws of the beast they ride that their brains dissolve while trying to eavesdrop. But at some time, when it is time to really start laying out the truth to lead us through that door of doors, as well… I suspect Q will consider the suit a barrier that process.
Or… Maybe I have nothing figured out, at all. But I think even just that 40% Q mentions has profound implications tied into 'biggest'. We have grown accustomed to a very constrained way of thought and life. Our ancestors were rarely surprised by new horizons, discoveries, etc. The world was still a concert of mysteries to them… And I wonder if the greatest deceit was to make us believe there were no more mysteries, no new frontiers, and only the box we find ourselves in to scrounge about for survival.
Contrasting JFK to figures like Obama and Hillary… It should be obvious that they are terrified we will ever dare to think outside the human animal's quest for survival.