Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.10198341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8349 >>8606

>>10198200 (LB)


I would never want my country to be harmed in any way, ever. At the end of the day Putin is Russia first which he should be and every world leader should do for their own country. If Trump loses it will seriously be a major problem for many because I can definitely see a lot of my fellow American brethren going apeshit and directly after very certain groups and people. The media has just pushed people too far and I can see the anger everyday just building and building within people who seem to be looking at the media, social media, and left while salivating in an an angry way.


At the same time, no matter what the left tries to claim or push it usually is the left that goes down the violent road. Sure there are events every now and then from the right, that is absolutely true, but on average it isn't even close, hell it isn't even in the same ballpark. Just look at recent events for a prime example. All you hear about day in and out from the media is "white supremacists" and "alt right" (they sure ditched that phrase didn't they?) and Nazi's and so on while claiming racism is at an all time high but then you start to truly look into it and see there are literally no real cases to substantiate their claims. Nearly every single "hate crime" has turned out to be a hoax over the past few years. I genuinely looked into this a few weeks ago and genuinely did all I could to find everything and anything to substantiate their claims just to see if maybe I missed something but I found it to be complete baloney. Fake hate crimes, fake claims of "white" violence, fake claims of Republicans on campus causing issues, just about everything was bullshit. There were a few cases involving what they called QAnon supporters doing things over the years, and they very well may true as I have no reason at this point not to see them as that, but even still, that is like three (3) total issues over three years and all three of them were (clearly) mentally fucked up people. Again though, this is even if those cases are legitimate and not one of the media/DNC campaigns to create an issue. I tend to think they probably were real because three bozos over a three year period sounds about right to me but I would not be surprised if later it is found out to be hogwash.


Then we look at the left and what they have done during the same time period and it isn't even debatable. They have thrown explosives, they have thrown cocktails, they have thrown cement shakes, they have rampaged across multiple, no, numerous cities tearing into businesses, they have threatened politicians (both GOP and traditional Democrat), they have called for the destruction of the country, they have called for the removal of security, they have called for the removal of cops, they have been involved TIME and TIME again with child trafficking and prostitution issues, there has been over 400 (by my last tally a month ago) teachers who have been arrested for fucking their students and associated with the DNC (epidemic levels of this going on and no mention of it ever), they turned hearings into circus, they have destroyed lives, they have tried to destroy lives, people have died due to their fake narratives, people have been injured due to their fake narratives, people have lost their jobs due to their fake narratives, people have lost kids due to their fake narratives, they have done not a single thing for the inner cities, they have allowed criminals back onto the streets to terrorize cities, they have been caught working with foreign countries looking to destroy the west, they have taken money from foreign countries looking to destroy the west, they have abused the system to get their friends and kids into positions they have no business being in, they have used government organizations to ruin lives (IRS, etc), they have used the criminal justice system to ruin lives, they have stacked positions with infiltrators with no business being in such positions, they have destroyed western educational institutions, they have caused, quite literally, nothing but carnage. It is all they do, it is the only thing they do. They do nothing positive, ever and to show an example of this I challenge anyone (since I know people/media are reading this from outside) reading this to name me a single thing your local Congressman/woman has done for you and your community that was a benefit to the people of the United States in that particular district. They do nothing for the people of the country in those districts, literally nothing. They are unprepared always, they always follow their preassigned script, they use brutal tactics and groups not to make points but to try to harm others, harm others… I repeat… harm others. Nobody and nothing matters to them except themselves and their narrative which is anti American in nature and not a single one of them, not even one of them, would be able to show otherwise.

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 4:13 a.m. No.10198349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8360 >>8467 >>8606


So I have concerns if the POTUS loses. I will personally believe it is because they pulled some massive fraud. Not because the POTUS says so, and not because Q says so, and not because of anything other than because I take the time, every single day, always have since I was a teen, to look into current events, understand them, understand the players involved and use my innate gifts to predict, or try to, how things will play out. Most of the time those attempt turn out correct or very close to what the initial prediction was, always has. Not because I am some psychic with powers but because I am prepared by looking into issues, knowing them inside and out, and then using my LLI to filter out noise and conclude the final destination of the issue.


People should be happy to live in this great country, to be able to have friends of all races/groups and come together to share that similar love of country… but they won't allow it. They have done everything in their power to harm the everyday citizen while doing (basically) nothing to help them out. They have actively tried to, and succeeded in many cases, destroying so many of the great and wonderful systems and events this country has always had and made most things completely unbearable. Sorry for the rant, these happen every now and then from me as I am sure other night shifters will recognize the writing style. But long story short, I disagree with you: >>10198200 as I would never want any harm to come to my country or countrymen, even the traditional Democrats unless communist/Maoist which is another story all together.

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 4:21 a.m. No.10198370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8410 >>8606


Yeah that was me who wrote that up yesterday or the day before. It is currently my own personal thought of the current trajectory of their strategy and it makes the most sense given what we currently know, their current moves, and everything that has happened over the past few weeks.


They clearly aren't treating this like a normal campaign or Biden as a serious candidate so the only logical conclusions are that they are throwing the towel in/bending the knee or they plan to create a broken election through a series of events.


To pull that off they would need the media shield to create the narrative of uncounted votes but they would equally need to create a major problem domestically that would call into question the ability to count votes within a state or two. This is why I felt/feel Milwaukee and Philadelphia are places that should be watched moving forward as, to me in my personal opinion at least, are the likely prime places they would create an issue at.

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 4:27 a.m. No.10198397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8621


If you're bored anon I highly recommend searching for the past few years of deaths, disappearances and arrests of scientists, virologists, microbiologists, and similar. There have been a lot. Two in Pittsburgh, one guy connected to Fauci who was working on the Black Plague and his partner who worked for Oxford, four Chinese "students", etc. There have been a lot of late. The Black Death guy being the weirdest one since he spoke about Fauci on his Twitter:


Look at this shit:


"Great perspectives from Dr. Tony Fauci on emerging infectious disease challenges faced by each presidential administration #ASMBiothreats"


This guy seemed to be tracking it and predicted an outbreak even in 2017:

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.10198446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8469 >>8634


The US gains absolutely nothing by allowing Chinese state reporters into country and we gain nothing by our journalists being there. Even if the journalist was a good one it still wouldn't matter as the CCP controls all outgoing stories. So there is no reason at all to grant any of their VISAs. If I had it my way I would close every Chinese Embassy at this point and remove every last one of them that are not already a citizen and then nationalize all the land and businesses they have shares in.


Their actions have made their intentions for the west clear so there is absolutely no reason to treat them with anything but even more aggression than they have shown. I don't want war with China and I don't want the Chinese people harmed but the CCP has done everything in their power to abuse our relationship so there is no reason to tolerate it. Especially when you also consider the threat of another virus from China. We need to cut all ties with them. I know it won't happen but that is what I would do.

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 4:50 a.m. No.10198472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634


I have been thinking about what you wrote for fifteen minutes now and considering everything and how things may play out. The whole "savior" thing came up in my mind repeatedly about a scenario and theory I considered months ago about someone replacing Biden at the midnight hour and the media claiming is the "savior" for the country.


I was never able to narrow down to anyone other than HRC if such a scenario played out. It doesn't appear like that is going to happen as even she has been doing nothing but I just don't see them gliding into the election with doing nothing major. The left is notorious for their last minute "surprises" and games and as it stands they have been pretty silent except for what seems to be setups for what is to come. So either the Trump campaign has truly dismantled them into such a state where they don't even know what to do or they are being quiet because something major is coming that will be of such a magnitude that they believe it will give them a chance to take the election. The only things I could see allowing for that are either a contested election or a devastating attack in key states which, they will claim, prevents votes from being tallied thus creating a contested election and thus allowing them to drag it out until late January when they will set into motion Congress and the threat that if the POTUS doesn't comply they that CA, OR, WA and others will secede.


Biden has done next to nothing during this time period so there is no reason to think he is a serious candidate which means something major is planned to contest the election to win through other means.

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.10198531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634


Shows how much I pay attention to social media claims and users. As far as I am concerned any and all of the people on social media claiming any knowledge or trying to push it are full of shit, no exceptions, case closed. No idea who this one here is but I do remember that Nemroy or Nemoy asshole a few years ago who took our research, claimed he did it, made a book, and profited. All those individuals are POS. On top of that, Twitter would never allow a legitimate source with inside knowledge to survive on their platform as they would be removed immediately so anyone on there claiming such things with large followings and allowed to remain are controlled opposition.


The only place that matters is here when considering the ground zero of where the information is discussed. I highly doubt if many of those fame types even come on here and make posts/participate. But, whatever, waste of time for me to consider it beyond that, just surprised I have never heard of this "E" as I usually notice when they come here trying to navigate people to their sites.

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 6:03 a.m. No.10198845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8862


Yeah I am convinced that this was a setup to try to screw the POTUS. I know POTUS doesn't read these but I hope someone on his team looked into that because that situation is definitely shady and giving that woman access is not a good idea given her connections and her history. There is something more to that situation and given her and Allred's insertion into the issue along with her sisters obvious honeypot scheme with high ranking military personnel it just feels like there is something more to that. They came out of nowhere to push that national narrative with signs being made, a meeting with the POTUS, and so on.


Why has that woman and her sister had such access to high ranking military and intelligence personnel for so long? That is a major issue

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 6:12 a.m. No.10198902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8908 >>8931

The Fort Hood revelations has definitely brought out a huge shill campaign since we began discussing it. There are serious connections to trafficking going on as well from that earlier linked post and the soldier who was arrested for it.

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.10198915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8949

Lady also claimed, right to the POTUS on national TV, that a baby was killed at Fort Hood by dropping it from a building and it was covered up:

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.10198927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8949


That is how you deal with them always. Never give them even a second thought, just auto filter them and the bread spammers who always lead the breads off with their Jew shit and other shit and have for years. Cleans up and makes breads so much faster and easier to deal with. No reason at all to ever deal with the shills, just auto filter immediately as that is the last thing they want and will always respond with "only shills filter!"

Anonymous ID: 989f67 Aug. 6, 2020, 6:18 a.m. No.10198945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8962


Share whatever you want of course. I always look over serious issues if they are substantiated in some way and other legitimate anons always do the same as well. In truth besides the authorities this is probably the best place a person can drop something since we know how to move and look into information here.