Anonymous ID: 58dbf1 Aug. 6, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.10199813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9816 >>9842 >>9861 >>9886 >>9921 >>0079 >>0121 >>0227 >>0261 >>0275

Serious question: why should I trust the QAnon plan?


Let's talk about plans. In the business world, when you want investors, you come up with a business plan.

The plan has to be specific. It has to have clear goals. There are benchmarks, timelines, estimated costs. All of that is very clearly laid out.

The investors consider this plan. They judge whether or not it seems like they know what they're doing, whether their plan is reasonable, has a good chance of success, etc.

Now, let's take the Q plan. What exactly is it? No one knows. At least Q isn't saying.

What exactly are the goals? Totally unclear. Something about draining the swamp, arresting Hillary and Obama maybe?

Supposedly, Hillary was arrested back in 2017. So why is she still out and about? Doesn't look like an arrest to me. Maybe I misunderstand this new use of the word "arrest".

But what exactly IS the goal? Is it to improve the economy? Failed. 40 million lost their jobs on your watch. Is it to drain the swamp? Failed.

Swamp ain't drained. Not even close. Is it to clean up the USA or to clean up the world? Will it be US politicians, or will it be the global elite that are "drained"? Rothschilds? Other "royal" families? Have we been told what the plan even IS?

I have followed Q from almost the beginning. I have really worked at it. I have NO IDEA what the plan is anymore. Every time someone thinks they have it figured out, they're proved wrong.

What PLAN is it that I'm supposed to trust? No one can tell you.

"You're watching a movie." WTF does that even mean?

"Disinformation is necessary." So how am I supposed to know what the plan even is?

"Trust the plan." Let's talk about trust. Who in your life do you trust? Maybe it's some trusted friend. Maybe it's a brother or a sister. Maybe you trust your parents.

Those people you trust, why do you trust them? It's because they earned that trust by being there for you, supporting you. Over and over again they came THROUGH for you.

If you're like most people, you have a blacksheep in your family. Maybe they're a drug addict, an alcoholic, an ex-con, or just a perpetual liar. You don't trust that person.

They've proven, over and over and over again that they're unworthy of trust. They've proven willing to lie, cheat, and steal. They've proven that they'll abuse you for their own gain.

They've proven that you don't matter to them, but only that you continue to give, give, give. They only take. Maybe you want to trust them, but you just can't do it.

You want to believe that this time, finally this time they'll change. Maybe this time they're genuine. But then they betray you again like they always have and clearly always will.

QAnon demands our trust. But do you give your trust to those who have not earned it?

The so-called Q proofs - of which I admit, there are many - what exactly do they prove? Do they prove that there's a plan? Do they prove that that plan is indeed being executed? Do they prove that Q is able to make good on his promises? Do they prove that the swamp is being drained?

No. The Q proofs only ever prove that Q is close to the President. Here he is with Trump. Here he is in Air Force One. Here's a picture of a pen proving that this crazy important "report" is going to be declassed at this time, this date, whatever.

But do the proofs actually prove that there's a plan? Do they prove that the plan is working? Do they prove that Trump is draining the swamp? No. No. No.

Trust has to be earned. Plans have to be laid out clearly, specifically.

How has QAnon earned our trust? Why should we trust a plan that is not clearly defined, and doesn't appear to be working even a LITTLE bit?

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot say that the virus is a bullshit hoax AND that it has completely thwarted "The Plan." Which is it? Is the virus a hoax designed to destroy Trump's achievements?

Is it a real thing that has actually succeeded in destroying his achievements? If it's a hoax, why is he saying that it's patriotic to wear a mask?

Why should I trust a plan that's clearly not working? Even if "The Plan" is merely to "Make America Great Again," let me ask you: is rioting part of that plan? What about these ridiculous masks I'm forced to wear?

Anonymous ID: 58dbf1 Aug. 6, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.10199816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9834 >>9842 >>9908 >>9997


How about 40 million people losing their jobs? Is this all part of "The Plan"?

If this is all part of "The Plan", then FUCK this plan. I don't like it one bit.

If this is NOT part of "The Plan", then how can you POSSIBLY claim that "nothing can stop what's coming" and that "patriots are in control"?

The response to all these concerns is a deafening SILENCE.

Here's your real "red pill": The Plan is all a lie.

Long live the swamp. Just another lying billionaire swamp creature, with his little false prophet Q to sing his praises with a web of lies that could literally mean anything.

Q is like a psychic. "I'm thinking of a family member………they're close to you……" "You mean Tommy!" "Yes! That's him! Tommy is trying to say something…it's unclear what…." "Was he proud of me?" "He says he's very proud of you!" "Please…take my money!"

Now you'll surely object: but Q isn't doing it for money!!!

No, he's just doing it to keep the President in power, and to keep people believing in him. Don't tell me he's got nothing to gain.

Oh, but it's all a secret, see. POTUS can't acknowledge it publicly. But secretly, wink, wink, Q is right beside him. But we can't tell you who he is. Q+ said so.

And now all Trump has to do to make us squeal like 5 year girls is make a fucking Q in the air at a rally. And just like that, presto, we're trusting the plan again.

Some will object and say, "You just don't have enough faith. Have faith, brother. Trust the plan. They know what they're doing."

No, that's not how it works. You can put that kind of faith in God, if you believe he became a man and died for you and rose from the dead. Go ahead. He's earned it, if you believe that.

But surely we can agree that no mere man deserves that kind of confidence. Trust has to be earned. How has he earned it? Do you know what the plan even is? No. Whatever you thought it was, is it working? I doubt it.

"But if you just re-elect him…THEN he's REALLY gonna drain that swamp!"

It'd be funny if the stakes weren't so insanely high. You'd never trust these liars to run a company. But hey, let's put them in charge of TRILLIONS of dollars and MILLIONS of lives. Let's give them control of the military! What could possibly go wrong?

We deserve whatever happens. What a sorry, sorry, sick joke humanity has become.>>10199813