lawfare in action
a high pressure food processor?
or a high pressure food canner for selling the quacamole in stores?
could be flash pasteurized
i can not stand the sight, smell or taste of that green slime
just thought they might be canning it for store sales
the simplest explanation is improper storage with a nearby fire setting it off
thats why the harbor people had been trying to get the govt to move that stuff out of there for several years
you are correct it does NOT need to be mixed
journal of hazardous materials
5 march 2016
volume 304 page 134
explosions of ammonium nitrate fertilizers in storage or transportation
i was agreeing with your original premise
the simplist explanation is probably true
improper storage of explosive fertilizer is the most logical explanation
i also pointed out that nothing in the videos looked like fireworks and i have shot off lot of commercial fireworks