Anonymous ID: 82af7d Aug. 6, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.10201081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1095 >>1103


Nope. Anons still haven't figured out that simply ignoring these fucks is their kryptonite. That's quite literally all you have to do. Ignore, and move on. There is a war on your mind being fought on both sides of this conflict. You can choose to let yours be a battleground, or you can disengage and take your own path.


No true anon has the full picture. The few that do (Q and team), have a plant, and the plan that is unfolding in front of us is the way it's going despite our involvement, and the larping pieces of shit. Real victory, as an anon, lies in you taking back your own freedoms from the mindset of someone that thinks freely, on their own terms, and lives their life in support of that.


Stop following these people.

Stop acknowledging these people.

Stop retweeting and posting these people here.