Can't wait till this month is over, and still, nothing has happened. As this Q deal started…it sold me on voting for Trump. Fast Forward… 3 months away from the election, nothing worth shit has happened… and it has convinced me to not vote at all. It finally showed itself for what it is…and that's purely a re-election campaign.
What does it matter anyway? Q "has it all" right? "Nothing can stop what is coming" right? So, if that's true… no one should need to vote. Unless…having it all, and nothing stopping what is coming…is bullshit…and it's just a re-election campaign. Do "it" (whatever the fuck "it" is already, or GTFO here.
How does it not make sense? IF "NOTHING can stop what is coming"…then that would lead one to believe that the ending is already set, correct? If nothing can stop it, votes/an election would be one of those things that can't stop "it" from coming, right? If it all hinges on an election, then that would be the SOMETHING that could stop it from coming. Thus, making the "Nothing can stop what is coming" line, absolute bullshit. It would also make "We have it all" a moot point. If they have it all, and chose to do nothing with it, and let it come down to the election, they're just as complicit anyhow. I hope I explained that well enough for you to understand, and break through that dense "Trust the Plan" shell you've coated yourself with.
Has nothing to do with your lack of time or crayons. You can't argue it, because you know there's truth to it. You're just upset because I'm right.