Anonymous ID: b3fde8 Aug. 6, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.10200607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0621 >>0649 >>0715

China Helped Saudis Build Secret Nuclear Site For Extracting Yellowcake


When it comes to America's allies in the Middle East, Washington has long "looked the other way" while they recklessly pursue questionable weapons technology. Think Pakistan's nuclear program at a time when the Reagan administration prioritized fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, or Israel's estimated 100 to possibly 200 undeclared nukes.


This has more recently been the case with Saudi Arabia, where the kingdom has long been rumored to pursue nukes to gain dominance over Shia rival Iran. And now this willful looking the other way on banned weapons is coming back to bite Washington hard.


"Saudi Arabia has constructed with Chinese help a facility for extracting uranium yellowcake from uranium ore, an advance in the oil-rich kingdom’s drive to master nuclear technology, according to Western officials with knowledge of the site," The Wall Street Journal writes in a bombshell investigative report. So this is where US foreign policy has arrived: no, there's no yellowcake in Niger and never was, but we now have America's global rival China helping our Sunni Wahhabi 'ally' construct a secret nuclear site while lying about it all along. Despite mounting evidence, the Saudi Energy Ministry issued a statement saying it “categorically denies” that it's built an extraction facility.


However, there was this admission out of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman back in 2018: he said at the time “if Iran developed a nuclear bomb, we will follow suit as soon as possible.”


The Saudis maintain they are only in pursuit of a peaceful nuclear program, which happens to be Iran's same position as well.


The WSJ identified the location based on intelligence sources and unnamed Western officials as in a desert area outside al-Ula in northwest Saudi Arabia. "The facility, which hasn’t been publicly disclosed, is in a sparsely populated area in Saudi Arabia’s northwest and has raised concern among U.S. and allied officials that the kingdom’s nascent nuclear program is moving ahead and that Riyadh is keeping open the option of developing nuclear weapons," WSJ continues. Currently it's public knowledge that The China National Nuclear Corp. and the China Nuclear Engineering Group Corp., which signed memorandums of understanding with the Saudi government in 2017 for uranium exploration, are working closely with Riyadh.


The new reports suggest these are instrumental in assisting with the secret nuclear facility.


Saudi Arabia has built a secret facility for extracting uranium yellowcake from uranium ore, Western officials say, a step forward for Riyadh's nascent nuclear program. It happened with a little help from their friends in Beijing.@wstrobel @mgordonwsj

— Jonathan Cheng (@JChengWSJ) August 5, 2020


Given the US has invaded at least one Mideast country on false charges it had Yellowcake Uranium in its possession, it'll be interesting to see if there's even so much as a statement of public censure directed at Riyadh out of the administration. We won't hold our breath, given it seems such condemnations are reserved only for the likes of Assad or Gaddafi or the Iranians.


But now that China has apparently entered the mix, things could get sticky, even with Washington's closes Gulf ally the Saudis.

Anonymous ID: b3fde8 Aug. 6, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.10200715   🗄️.is 🔗kun




U.S. Examines Whether Saudi Nuclear Program Could Lead to Bomb Effort


Intelligence agencies are scrutinizing whether the kingdom’s work with China to develop nuclear expertise is cover to process uranium and move toward development of a weapon.

Anonymous ID: b3fde8 Aug. 6, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.10200820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0958 >>1088 >>1165

09-0015 and 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA nw while VENUS92 USAF C-32A is south from Albany Int'l Fly-bys


GTMO845 US Navy Beech Huron appears off SW FL and heading to NAS Jax- been a few days since one of these seen