Most boys today would never join the military simply because it would mean cutting of the top knot as they enter bootcamp.
12 year old boys in the early 1900's had more moxy in their pinky's than 20 year old boys possess today.
Most boys today would never join the military simply because it would mean cutting of the top knot as they enter bootcamp.
12 year old boys in the early 1900's had more moxy in their pinky's than 20 year old boys possess today.
The give away is she is suing an organization for fraud and corruption but not arresting anybody for those crimes.
This monstrosity is circulating on Facebook:
Let's unpack this.
Virtually everyone agrees with every single plank of this, when stated in the vague, imprecise, weasel way he states them in this graphic.
(1) What does "full LGBTQ rights" mean? He doesn't say, but he assures us he's in favor. But that's kind of the whole thing, isn't it – what the words mean?
I know of nobody who thinks particular groups of people should be denied the rights to own property, enter contracts, sue in the courts, and in general exercise all the natural rights described by John Locke and others in the classical liberal (libertarian) tradition.
Now if what you mean is that some groups should have "rights" that involve initiating violence against peaceful people, as when some individuals are forced at the point of a gun to interact or engage in commerce with people they prefer not to, then no, we don't favor that. That's how thugs behave, not civilized people.
(2) Everyone believes "black lives matter." People who disagree with that anodyne statement amount to a rounding error.
What some people may disagree with are the laundry list of propositions and complaints by the Black Lives Matter organization, but presumably anyone with an IQ above 70 is able to distinguish between these two things.
For example, the United States is not even close to being a "white supremacist" country. Whenever I hear someone make that claim I think to myself, "This person is not well traveled."
(3) Everybody thinks we should protect the planet. Where we disagree is on what constitute genuine threats to the planet, and the best way to go about addressing those threats.
(4) Regarding health care, it is highly desirable for everyone to have it, but it is morally confusing to insert desert into the question. Nobody is morally entitled to the labor of anyone else. But it is surely desirable for the genuinely needy to have their needs met through the generosity of others – and of course, if we want health-care costs to be as low as possible, we should want the freest possible market, as I show in my free eBook Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About Health Care.
(5) "The world is bigger than America," he says. Well, I'd say his side could stand to learn that as much as anyone.
I see people on the left pining for the atrocious George W. Bush. They could overlook the wreckage and massive (and obviously avoidable) loss of life across the Middle East because he isn't Trump.
Had Bush bombed Los Angeles, they'd be horrified and wouldn't even consider talking about what a decent person he was, and how much we miss his civility.
But when he bombs brown people abroad? Well, nobody's perfect!
I don't think a guy like that, whose following looks the other way at the slaughter of non-Americans, should be lecturing us about the world being bigger than America.
(6) Then, finally: "That people and places are made better by diversity."
The one thing we can know definitively about this person is that diversity is the very last thing he wants.
He holds a series of highly controversial positions – but instead of acknowledging that, pretends they're all a matter of common sense, summarizes them in bumper-sticker slogans, and dismisses anyone who disagrees as "inhumane." Because, of course, anyone disagreeing with him must think black lives don't matter!
Imagine having a conversation with someone like that.
Political scientist April Kelly-Woessner pointed out on the Tom Woods Show, when discussing her research, that the test of tolerance is not how you treat people you already like. The test is how you treat people you dislike, people who are genuinely different from you.
Does the person who made this graphic seem tolerant to you?
Or does he not rather seem like the kind of person who'd get you fired and ruin your life for wrongthink, all while congratulating himself on his open-mindedness?
Unfortunately, society is dominated by just this kind of person.