if u section off CA, then u'll build the liberal cult. its harder to sway 1 large state than 3 small ones.WE STAY TOGETHER!
what part of her was starving? maybe her legs from lack of use.
^^ yesz imma dicโฆ just pissed off they use ppl
... wait, WHEN Potus really said he was TAKING DOWN THE DEEP STATE... he really meant HARD CORE PORN?!?!?!!!!
dude, that's weird
why is C jealous of DT's hand side xD
hey, where is the proof of hcr doing this? or is this hearsay for now? i can't imagine this being released to the public
well, kind of true. we are giving and receiving cookiesโฆ tracked, labeled, & shuffled into categories โฆ so yah, we r infected in a sense lol
is THAT REALLY a pic of him doing that pose??
wherez the rest of this?
u 1st xD
AnonOps IRC server will never b wat it was. bots & intel ops run that place. it will always b infiltrated
right on. thx
i don't go on that shit. any retard knows not to.. it's all over the place that it's a honeypot
there was a good doc on anon a couple of years ago on netflix, how it was infiltrated, sabu, etc.. really good.. how cia controlled narrative & got ppl to match on the streets back thenโฆ they didn't realise how many ppl they had influenced until the March
negative. i don't trust fema
tis b da only hpot i do xD โฆ my life has enough inadvertent adventures ยฏ_(ใ)_/ยฏ
imma not gonna watch it. if its as bad as they say, there will be psychological affect that occurs in the brain once it has been seen & u cannot unsee it. my brain doesnt need to be fuked w. i just want her to be terrorized w/out death for eternity. i'll let God figure out how to implement that type of justice.
last rumor was a satanic ritual Hannibal cannibal style. either way, whentf will she be taken in2 custody ?
i wonder what psychological trama this kid has been though to have turned out this way.
r some of these ppl naked?