drive the knife a lil further bro
how the fuck can my dps vary by 20k
are the W&W fucking with the algos
celebrities are not elite, just fyi
they're like sports stars
entertainment (show dogs) for the actual elite
true, they do think they're important and relevant and it does get annoying but whatever, fuck em
(46) already
member that time 8bit called you out and was like "bro, fuck off, this is ridiculous"
honestly one of my favorite memberberries of this place
>is this finally it?
this has happened multiple times
the plan is either genius or not an actual plan
either way it will not end when/how you think it will
>enjoy the show faggot
4d is still the only game in town bro
fucking lel
why are you mad dude, i gave you my positive response, you wanna hear the cynical one?
you've been fucking played like the irrelevant faggot you are because absolutely no one in power is ever going to jail because that's a fucking pipedream to keep the masses sedated while the new world order establishes the problem-reaction-solution that you dumb fucking inbred hicks are OH SO FUCKING AMAZING at falling for ever motherfucking time
do you like this one mo betta?
fuck you faggot, i tried to be nice, neck yourself
oh, ebot is anon as it gets
oh henlo
watching you faggots freak the fuck out for 3 years is hilarious enough
im not sure what you were expecting
but you all are exposed and easily eliminated when the time is appropriate
did i say that?
that was the brandy talking
sup boys
dude you wanna crash the mall?