"Messianic Jew" Shill is The Latest Jew PsyOp
*Isn't this sudden push for the Star of David on top of the Christian Cross rather ODD?
*The Jew shill PORNIFIED The Lord's Prayer for 3 months.
*Then 12Days ago, I OUTED The Jew who did it, JENNIE TAER, and I've been posting my version of The Shema Prayer the last 12 days.
*Fri. Aug. 6 - now TODAY - all of a sudden, the sudden PUSH of the combo of "Judaism Combined with Christianity".
"Messianic Jew Shill" Does NOT Pass the SMELL TEST.
because what he wrote does not ring true.
**It's a SLIDE to do Damage Control for the JEWS because I wrote yesterday and today:
due to 3 Jewish shills using "Christianity" against anons here.
1. The Jennie Jew PORNIFY The Lord's Prayer Shill.
2. The Red Text Shill screaming"Q HATES JESUS"
3. The "Bible Quote" Shill screaming that POTUS is "an Adulterer, pedophile, and baby killer". 60 - 80 posts per bread.
*These JEW Shills have been OUTED as JEWS FUCKING OVER CHRISTIANITY against Christians here…
*This "Messianic Jew Shill" is the latest Jew PsyOp.
4. The Messianic Jew Shill - Smashing the Star of David on top of the Christian Cross.
This is the New Jew PsyOp.