I'm loving the breakdown. I've been watching this all happen in real time
Fuck you Mr. Pig, Japan is our greatest ally. This whole shit has gone straight to your head
Keep up the good work. I don't miss that blasphemous cunt pissing on the Lord's Prayer nonstop.
>No use lingering on it when there is other things going on and more people to dig on.
>shut it down
Share with the class who you think did it, anon
>Beirut gets nuked
>Israel's face when
Where the fuck do you think Q came from?
>He never posted as a /pol/ tard
>literally posted on /pol/
Oh my God…
>I'm mixed race.
Who gives a shit?
Is it hard to understand that Q went to /pol/ on purpose? Maybe? You seem stuck in your racial identity, maybe /pol/ would suit you much better indeed
>Who gives a shit who bombed the rag heads. Someone decided to act
It was Israel. Who is it again that doesn't care when women and kids die? Oh yeah, Israelies
>Everyone knows this.
Then why were you surprised this place seems like /pol/ WHEN MOST OF US ARE FROM THERE YOU DUMB CUNT
>It never had this much garbage.
You can leave anytime. Once again your said racially obsessed brain can't seem to understand that Q WANTED PEOPLE LIKE US YOU DIPSHIT
Are you concerned? Are you a concerned FAG?
Pretty fucking good, fag. 4 posts of you crying like a bitch